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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Dr. Vitor Nascimento, Chair of SPS South Brazil Chapter The IEEE SPS South Brazil Chapter was created at the end of 2010. It covers four Brazilian states (Sao Paulo, Parana, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul).
In the first year, we will receive two distinguished lecturers: Prof. Abdelhak Zoubir in October 2011, and Prof. Patrick Flandrin in November 2011. These visits were coordinated with the Argentina and Rio de Janeiro Chapters. In addition to the DL visits, the chapter supports local Signal Processing meetings, as well as the Signal Processing Symposium organized at the State University of Campinas. We have made great efforts to recruit members, hoping to bring together signal processing researchers, users and students. Today, most chapter members come from the many public and private universities in the region. We are looking for ways of attracting more members from industry. Since the geographical extent of the South Brazil Section is quite large and we are far from Northern countries, cooperation becomes very important. We acknowledge Roxana Saint-Nom (Regional Director-at-Large, Regions 7 and 9) for help and advice on organizing coordinated DL visits. We are also contacting friends in different universities. With their help, we hope to organize more local activities in the future.
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