Call for Participation: 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Participation: 2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things

IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things - Technologies, Applications and Social Implications is a unique event for industry leaders, academics and decision making government officials. This event is designed to examine key critical innovations across technologies, which will alter the research and application space of the future. The 2015 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things envisions a self-configuring and adaptive complex system made out of networks of sensors and smart objects whose purpose is to interconnect “all” things, including everyday and industrial objects in such a way to make them intelligent, programmable, and more capable of interacting with humans.

The conference will feature world-class speakers - WF-IoT is pleased to host Vinton G. Cerf as keynote speaker -, an Industrial Forum Panel, Startup and IoT and Business day, Tutorials (Winter Academy), exhibits, and technical sessions consisting of poster or oral presentations. The WF-IoT 2015 technical program will be comprised of a main program and several collocated workshops and special sessions. Technical papers submitted to WF-IoT 2015 are organized in a number of tracks:

  • IoT Enabling Technologies
  • IoT Application and Services
  • IoT Societal Impacts
  • IoT Experimental Results

Important Dates for Participation

  • Author Registration (required for accepted papers)
    October 31, 2015
  • Advance Registration (discounted rate)
    November 16, 2015


  • Automotive IoT
  • IoT Security and Privacy Challenges and Priorities
  • Latest IoT Breaking News Update
  • Special Session on Massive IoT Data: Impact on Security,
    Privacy and Urban Dynamics in Smart Cities
  • Special Session on IoT and Mobile Edge Computing
  • Special Session on Military Applications of IoT
  • Special Session on Dependable IoTs for eHealth and
    Management of Chronic Conditions

- Conference Chair: Latif Ladid, Research Fellow, SnT, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

- Former Conference Chair: Dr. Roberto Minerva, Telecom Italia, Italy

- Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy

- Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Nils Aschenbruck, University of Osnabrück, Germany

- Industrial Co-Chair: Kazunori Iwasa, Fujitsu, Japan

- TPC General Chair: Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia, Spain

- TPC Co-Chairs: Prof. Hausi Müller, University of Victoria, Canada, and
Dr. Antonio Jara, HES-SO Switzerland,

For more information, please view the call for participation announcement.


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