Expansion of MGA Online Petition Forms for New Geographic Units

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Expansion of MGA Online Petition Forms for New Geographic Units

IEEE MGA is excited to announce the expansion of our online petition form to include submissions for Sections, Subsections and Status Changes! Online petition submissions are already available for Student Branches, Student Branch Chapters, Student Branch Affinity Groups, Technical Chapters and Affinity Groups. 
Access the online petition form

The above link also provides more information about IEEE geographic unit formation policies and links to the petition form for forming a Geographic Council. 

In accordance with the actions of the IEEE MGA Board, there are specific guidelines to follow when forming an IEEE geographic unit. More information about forming a geographic unit can be found in Section 9 of the MGA Operations Manual

IEEE local geographic organizational units provide unique opportunities for members to attend technical presentations, create strong peer-to-peer connections, and participate in leadership opportunities that can make a positive distinction in IEEE members' jobs and careers.

Email IEEE staff at petition@ieee.org with questions about the new online form or geographic unit formation policies and processes


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