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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
As a reminder for continuing chapter chairs and for incoming chapter chairs for 2019, we would like to highlight a valuable resource available to you. Launched last year was IEEE OU Analytics, a web-based business intelligence tool to deliver essential metrics on memberships or subscriptions to OUs, including Societies, Councils, Technical Communities, etc. Using Tableau platform, it provides an intuitive interface and leverages visualization technology to present data in multidimensional tables and charts. The landing page provides easy access to various dashboards with many filtering options to refine by OU, Region, Section, Grade, and Gender. Counts provided on the dashboards can link directly to respective member contact details. The ability to search for one particular member by last name, first name or member number from the membership list is also available and is a convenient feature. Selected volunteer positions in respective OUs have automatic access to their OU's data.
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