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Society News

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President Ali H. Sayed, in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee, invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of President-Elect for the term 1 January 2022-31 December 2023 and Vice President-Technical Directions for the term 1 January 2022-31 December 2024.

Each month, the Chapter Briefs Newsletter will feature an OU Analytics Tip that will be helpful to all who utilize the OU Analytics tool.  This month's Tip features obtaining Membership Verification.

Each month, the Chapter Briefs Newsletter will feature an OU Analytics Tip that will be helpful to all who utilize the OU Analytics tool.  This month's Tip features obtaining Membership Verification.

As a reminder for continuing chapter chairs and for incoming chapter chairs for 2021, we would like to highlight a valuable resource available to you. Launched in 2018, IEEE OU Analytics, is a web-based business intelligence tool which delivers essential metrics on memberships or subscriptions to OUs, including Societies, Councils, Technical Communities, etc. 

All members who did not renew for 2021 by 31 December have a two-month grace period in which to renew without losing access to their benefits.  On 27 February that grade period ends, and any member who has not yet renewed will have their benefits and services deactivated. 

A reminder that chapter events and officer reporting need to be updated in vTools <> throughout the year. This will ensure that current data is on file and that your chapter activity is accurately recorded. 

US$200 for each Chapter and Affinity Group meeting minimum requirements in accordance with the following sections of the MGA Operations Manual.

This page contains the 2021 Rebate Schedule (section 9.0.E of the MGA Operations Manual). Additional information can be found on the Required Reporting web page and in the MGA Operations Manual.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society has developed guidelines related to SPS Chapter social media and Chapter Activities.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is happy to announce the addition of twenty-six new Chapters formed in 2020. We welcome the following SPS Chapters and wish them great success in their future activities and events.


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