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Society News

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) recently approved the creation of the Synthetic Aperture Standards Committee.  This body is the first Standards Committee created under the auspices of the SPS and it is actively recruiting new members for its initial roster. 

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 72 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. 

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC.

It is my pleasure to announce that the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) annual election will commence on 16 August, and your vote is more important than ever! This year, all eligible SPS Members will vote for the next President-Elect (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2023), in addition to the Regional Directors-at-Large for Regions 7 & 9 and 10 (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2023), and Members-at-Large (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2024) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors (BoG).

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee. This year, the Society will be filling THREE positions on the N&A Committee for the term 2022-2023 and TWO positions on the Awards Board for the term 2022-2024. Nominations must be received no later than Friday, 24 September 2021.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society has developed guidelines related to SPS Chapter social media and Chapter Activities.

In accordance with the Bylaws of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, I am writing to solicit nominations for the Awards Board and the Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee. This year, the Society will be filling THREE positions on the N&A Committee for the term 2022-2023 and TWO positions on the Awards Board for the term 2022-2024. Nominations must be received no later than Friday, 24 September 2021.

It is my pleasure to announce that the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) annual election will commence on 16 August, and your vote is more important than ever! This year, all eligible SPS Members will vote for the next President-Elect (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2023), in addition to the Regional Directors-at-Large for Regions 7 & 9 and 10 (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2023), and Members-at-Large (term 1 January 2022 through 31 December 2024) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors (BoG).

The IEEE Signal Processing Society has developed guidelines related to SPS Chapter social media and Chapter Activities.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the position of Editor-in-Chief for the following journal: Open Journal of Signal Processing for a 3-year term starting 1 January 2022. Nominations must be received no later than 1 October 2021. Full details can be found on the web. 


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