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Society News

The 2011 Annual Reporting and Rebate cycle has begun.

In November 2011, the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board approved a motion to revise the geographic unit formation petition process for Sections, Subsections, Chapters, and Affinity Groups, effective 1 January 2012.

The revisions were developed as a result of an audit of the current process that identified opportunities for more stringent risk management and compliance control. Petition organizers should be aware of the primary process revisions for petitions to form Sections, Subsections, Chapters, or Affinity Groups. They are:

Please provide nominations for Regional Director-at-Large and Member-at-Large. Nominations must be received no later than 1 March 2012.

On behalf of the Awards Board and the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), John Treichler, SPS Vice President–Awards and Membership, would like to congratulate the following SPS members who will receive the Society’s prestigious 2011 awards during ICASSP 2012 in Kyoto, Japan.

IEEE Societies and Councils make a difference in the lives of people all over the world.

This "IEEE Societies-Making the Everyday Possible" video is designed to give IEEE members and non-members an understanding of the impact IEEE technical communities like yours has on the lives of ordinary people.

A warm greeting from the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and sincere wishes for a prosperous new year! Starting in 2012, the Society is offering the lowest-ever annual membership for $20. This e-membership package includes the FREE electronic delivery of the Society's flagship publication. All members receive substantial discounts on registration fees for the Society’s solely owned conferences and workshops, and reduced, member pricing for print subscriptions of SPS journals.

Congratulations to the following seven new SPS Chapters created in 2011!

  • Brasilia Chapter
  • Chengdu Society
  • Morocco Chapter
  • Pune Chapter
  • Oakland-East Bay Chapter
  • South Brazil Chapter (Southern Region)
  • Thailand Chapter

More related information can be found at the SP Society's IEEE Chapter Resources website.

Did you know? IEEE SPS provides travel support for local chapters to invite SPS Distinguished Lecturers. See a list of SPS 2011 and 2012 Distinguished Lecturers, and bookmark this link for upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates 53 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2012. Nominations are now being accepted till March 1, 2012, for the IEEE Fellow Class of 2013.


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