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The annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) is the world’s leading interdisciplinary forum on accessing, analyzing, and organizing digital music of all sorts. The ISMIR conference embraces the complexity and diversity of music by showcasing ideas and applications that enhance the way in which we interact with music. Centered around MIR, the conference aims to foster dialogue across disciplines by bringing together researchers, developers, educators, librarians, students and professionals, providing multifaceted interaction and cross-fertilization that will benefit a wide range of related fields. More information about ISMIR can be found from:
Music-Information Retrieval (Music-IR) is a wide-ranging area of study and includes elements from the disciplines of musicology, machine learning, signal processing, cognitive science, library and information science, music therapy, and many others. At ISMIR 2017 we aim to present work covering the state-of-the-art of this entire field of study, allowing researchers from every branch of this field to exchange ideas, compare results, and initiate collaborations. In addition, ISMIR 2017 will be hosting tutorials and workshops. Traditionally there are also musical and social events in the conferences such as unconference, concerts, jam sessions, Women in MIR (WiMIR) sessions, banquets and receptions. Please visit the ISMIR 2017 website for more details:
ISMIR 2017 accepts submissions for: Conference papers; Tutorials; Late-breaking papers & demos, and Musical performances on the following (but not limited to) topics:
Music-IR data and fundamentals such as:
Music signal processing
Symbolic music processing
Metadata, tags, linked data, and semantic web
Lyrics and other textual data, web mining, and natural language processing
Multimodal approaches to Music-IR
Extracting musical features and properties such as
Mood and emotion
Melody and harmony
Pitches and chords
Key and mode
Rhythm, beat, and tempo
Expressive and performative elements
Estimating music metadata such as:
Release date
Cover song detection
Methods for manipulating, analyzing, and processing musical sequences such as:
Sound source separation
Alignment, synchronization, and score following
Automatic transcription
Music synthesis, transformation, and augmentation
Applications for Music-IR such as:
Music-IR for health and therapy
Music-IR for learning
Music-IR for indexing, querying, and retrieving music
Music-IR for pattern matching and detection
Music-IR for determining similarity
Music-IR for music recommendation
Music-IR for music training
Music-IR for gaming
Music-IR for enhanced performances
Music-IR for business and marketing
Music-IR for digital libraries and archives
Domain-specific knowledge such as:
Computational music theory
Computational musicology
Cognitive Music-IR
Representations of music
Methodological and social concerns such as:
Corpus creation
Annotation methodology
Evaluation methodology
Legal issues
Ethical issues
User-based concerns such as:
User behavior
User modeling
Human-computer interfaces
All papers go through a double-blind review. Each paper will be assigned at least three reviewers per submission. All accepted papers will be presented at ISMIR 2017 as either a poster or an oral presentation. The Program Committee will determine which submissions will be presented orally and which will be presented as posters; this determination will not be based on the relevance or potential impact of the papers, but rather on the content and the best method to reach each paper’s intended audience. Each paper may have a maximum of six pages of scientific content (including figures and possible references) and additional pages which may only contain references and acknowledgment.
ISMIR 2017 offers sponsorship opportunities at Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze levels. Be sure to take this opportunity and become a proud sponsor of the conference, where you can showcase your company’s latest products and development to an international crowd of MIR researchers/practitioners, and learn about the state-of-the-art research and technologies in MIR.
March 24: Tutorial Proposals Due
April 21: Paper Abstract Due
April 28: Full Paper Due
April 28: Notification of Tutorial Acceptance
June 23: Notification of Paper Acceptance
June 30: Workshop/Special Session on MIR for Health Contributions Due
June 30: Music Submissions Due (tentative)
July 14: Notification of Workshop/Special Session Contribution Acceptance
July 21: Early Registration Ends
August 16: Late-Breaking Papers & Demos Submission Opens
October 22: General Registration Ends
October 22: Late-Breaking Papers & Demos Closes
General chairs
Ye Wang, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Wei Li, Fudan University, Mainland China
Program co-chairs
Xiao Hu*, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
Sally Jo Cunningham*, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Douglas Turnbull, Ithaca College, USA
Sponsorship and travel grant co-chairs
Lei Xie, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Mainland China
Blair Kaneshiro*, Stanford University, USA
Proceeding chair
Zhiyao Duan, University of Rochester, USA
Tutorial co-chairs
Emilia Gomez*, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Kyogu Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
Unconference co-chairs
Yi-Hsuan Yang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Ning Chen*, East China University of Science and Technology, Mainland China
Women in MIR
Jin Ha Lee*, University of Washington, USA
Preeti Rao*, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), India
Zhongzhe Xiao*, Soochow University, Mainland China
WEB co-chairs
Zhiyan Duan, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Chitralekha Gupta*, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Late-break/demo/student volunteer co-chairs
David Grunberg, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Boyd Anderson, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Registration co-chairs
Simon Lui, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Kat Agres*, A*STAR, Singapore
Music program co-chairs
Gus Xia, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Zhengshan Shi*, Stanford University, USA
Simon Lui, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Local organizing co-chairs
Tiow Seng Tan, National University of Singapore Research Institute (NUSRI) Suzhou, Mainland China
Xi Shao, Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Mainland China
Mi Tian*, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Advisory Board
Meinard Müller, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Germany
Masataka Goto, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Anja Volk*, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Stephen Downie, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign (UIUC), USA
George Tzanetakis, University of Victoria (UViC), Canada
Simon Dixon, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Contact information
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