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Daniela Oliveira (UFL), Jeremy Epstein (NSF), and Anderson Rocha (UNICAMP, Brazil) are Guest Editors to the Special Issue on Security and Privacy Research in Brazil for the IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine’s November/December 2018 issue.
The updated deadline is 11 March 2018
Author guidelines:
The goal of this special issue is to showcase cutting-edge research on security and privacy being conducted by the Brazilian community and whose topics are unique to Brazil. Brazil’s capabilities in cybersecurity have been growing in recent years, and a recent joint US-Brazil program from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and Brazil Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication (MCTI) has increased focus on opportunities for international collaboration (
Examples of issues that are unique to Brazil include (but not limited to): relationships of privacy laws, perceptions, and preferences in Brazil vs. other countries, case studies of cybersecurity in Brazilian networks and critical infrastructure, legal aspects of cybersecurity in Brazil, similarities and differences in cybersecurity innovation characteristics in Brazil vs. other countries, cyber attacks that are specific to Brazil (e.g., Boletos), security/privacy problems that are of particular national importance or unique expertise that is somehow specific to Brazil's culture/education system/location/history etc.
With this backdrop, we would like to call your attention to this Special Issue and kindly ask you to consider submitting your work. We also ask you to help us advertising this call as much as possible. For that, we are attaching a PDF of the call-for-papers along with this message.
Considering this focus on unique Brazilian cyber security issues, topics for the special issue may include, but are not limited to:
Malware analysis and detection
Network security
Hardware security
Internet of Things
Privacy and perceptions
Usable security and human factors in cyber security
Interdisciplinary security
Machine Learning and security
Electronic voting security
Banking security
Operating Systems security
Virtualization for security
Big Data for security
Cyber physical systems security
Cloud security
Case studies
Access Control
Case studies
Denial of Service Protection
Enterprise Security Management
Identity Management
Incident Response Planning
Insider Threat protection
Intellectual Property
Malware and intrusion detection
Mobile/Wireless Security
Multimedia Security
Data security
Privilege Management
Software Security
Supply Chain Security
Trust Management
Web Security
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