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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 100 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. 

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences, workshops, and events in Signal Processing. Listing of all conferences & events
IEEE Signal Processing Letters

Existing forensic techniques for image manipulation localization crucially assume that probe pixels belong to one of exactly two classes, genuine or manipulated. This letter argues that this convention fuels mis-labeling particularly in unsupervised settings, where singular but genuine...

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

In smart metering systems, a rechargeable battery can be utilized to protect the privacy of a user from the utility provider by partially masking the load profile of the user. In this line of research on using rechargeable batteries for privacy protection, most existing works have studied only single-user systems using rechargeable batteries. 

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

This letter investigates how to place the received-signal-strength (RSS) sensors to improve the static target localization accuracy in the three-dimensional (3-D) space. By using the A-optimality criterion, i.e., minimizing the trace of the inverse Fisher information matrix (FIM), a new optimal RSS sensor placement strategy is developed when sensors can be placed freely in the 3-D space.

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

In this letter, we consider the problem of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation with one-bit quantized array measurements. With analysis, it is shown that, under mild conditions the one-bit covariance matrix can be approximated by the sum of a scaled unquantized covariance matrix and a scaled identity matrix.

IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) President, Ali H. Sayed, is seeking nominations for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair of the IEEE SPS Fellow Evaluation Committee. The term of appointment for each position is one year, renewable (1 January 2020-31 December 2020). The Chair is responsible for chairing the Fellow Evaluation Committee, which is responsible for evaluating nominations for IEEE Fellow that are referred for review by the IEEE Fellow Committee. 

The IEEE Signal Processing Society Chapter of the Year Award will be presented for the ninth time in 2020. The award will be presented annually to a Chapter that has provided their membership with the highest quality of programs, activities and services. The award will be presented annually in conjunction with the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) to the Chapter’s representative.

Please visit the Conferences and Events page on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website for Upcoming Lectures by Distinguished Lecturers.

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 12 Technical Committees and 3 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

Lecture Date: June 17, 2019
Chapter: Italy
Chapter Chair: Mauro Barni
Topic: Signal Enhancement in Consumer Products


Lecture Date: June 18, 2019
Chapter: Atlanta
Chapter Chair: Alessio Medda
Topic: Distributed Algorithms for Principal Component Analysis

The list of tables of contents (TOCs) are now available for May 2019. The TOCs are formatted to the style of its publication and offers not only links to the full issue on the front cover, but also links to the individual articles within each TOC to take you to IEEEXplore®. 

June 8-11, 2020
Location: Changed to--Virtual Conference

Lecture Date: August 5, 2019
Chapter: Tokyo
Chapter Chair: Kazuya Takeda
Topic: Intelligent ear-level devices for hearing
enhancement and health and wellness monitoring

Lecture Date: August 12, 2019
Chapter: Beijing
Chapter Chair: Qiuqi Ruan
Topic: Tackling the ultimate cocktail party problem
using joint auditory attention decoding and beamforming

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

This paper presents a flexible array response control algorithm via oblique projection, abbreviated as FARCOP, and its application to array pattern synthesis. The proposed FARCOP algorithm stems from the adaptive array theory, and it can flexibly, precisely and simultaneously adjust the array response levels at multiple angles based on an arbitrarily given weight vector.


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