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The 2015 State of Broadband report produced by the UN Broadband Commission revealed 57 percent of the world’s people remain offline – unable to take advantage of the enormous economic and social benefits the internet offers.
Call for Proposals: IEEE ICASSP 2023
Submission Deadline: April 27, 2017
Lecture Date: April 27, 2017
Chapter: France
Chapter Chair: Jacques Blanc-Talon
Topic: Marked Point Processes For Object Detection and Tracking in High Resolution Images:
Applications to Remote Sensing and Biology
Lecture Date: May 3, 2017
Chapter: Greece
Chapter Chair: Kostas Berberidis
Topic: Enhancing QoS in Beamforming Networks: Mobile Beamformers
and Optimal Motion Policies
Lecture Date: April 27/28, 2017
Chapter: Iowa
Chapter Chair: Zhengdao Wang
Topic: When Power Meets Multimedia: Advances in Information Forensics
Exploiting Micro-Signals
We are searching for a bright and enthusiastic individual to join our team as a postdoctoral fellow in the area of modelling & simulation of plants and crops. This is part of the the "Mechanistic Modeling of Plant Development for Plant Phenomics" theme of the P2IRC P2IRC project. Specifically, the role will involve modeling, simulation of plants, and creating hybrid models incorporating biomechanical models.
Postdoctoral Position – 3D Computer Graphics
Have you had an experience in an MRI scanner? Chances are you have or know someone who has. Magnetic Resonance Imaging produces detailed pictures of soft tissue in the human body – but, unlike many other techniques, it does not require any radiation.
Lecture Date: July 8, 2017
Chapter: Singapore
Chapter Chair: Hong Cao
Topic: Light field image processing: analysis, representation, compression and editing
Lecture Date: April 28, 2017
Chapter: Eastern North Carolina
Chapter Chair: Huaiyu Dai
Lecture Title: Enhancing QoS in Beamforming Networks:
Mobile Beamformers and Optimal Motion Policies
Lecture Date: April 26, 2017
Chapter: Atlanta
Chapter Chair: Alessio Medda
Topic: Enhancing QoS in Beamforming Networks:
Mobile Beamformers and Optimal Motion Policies
Lecture Date: April 5, 2017
Chapter: Houston
Chapter Chair: Michael Orchard
Topic: Blind Signal Processing: Sparse Signal Reconstruction in Bilinear Inverse Problems
Fluent.ai is seeking an experienced scientist with a strong background in speech recognition, signal processing and machine learning. You are a creative and motivated individual with a keen interest in growing in an exciting start-up environment. You will be part of a team that delivers complex, scalable software solutions for applications based on speech recognition.
Workplan: Lightfields and Holography Representation. The EmergIMG project results from a Portuguese consortium that targets to design a common framework for the representation and quality assessment of emerging imaging modalities, including lightfields and holographic imaging. This consortium aims to boost an international impact in terms of research and standardization. This research grant is part of task one of this project.