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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

September 4-8, 2017
Registration Deadline: May 15, 2017
Location: Capri, Italy


Universidade da Beira Interior

Lightfields Rendering and Representation.  The EmergIMG project results from a Portuguese consortium that targets to design a common framework for the representation and quality assessment of emerging imaging modalities, including lightfields and holographic imaging. This consortium aims to boost an international impact in terms of research and standardization.

October 29 - 1 November, 2017
Location: Pacific Grove, CA, USA

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing. Listing of all conferences

Watch Ed Newton-Rex, Founder and CEO at Jukedeck, giving a presentation on how AI can be used to perform music composition

Read the IEEE BMC Newsletter including an interview with Christopher Boehnen, A research paper on adversarial biometric recognition as well as announcements and awards

For our February 2017 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of the analysis and application of active contours.

Kailkhura, Bhavya, Ph.D., SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, “Distributed inference and learning with Byzantine data” (2017) Advisor: Varshney, Pramod K.

Wilamowski, George Christopher. (The George Washington University), “Using Analytical Network Processes to Create Authorization, Authentication, and Accounting Cyber Security Metrics” (2017) Advisor: Sarkani, Shahram and Mazzuchi, Thomas

The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $20,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2017 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. However, all proposals must include the involvement of the local Chapter to encourage geographic development. Allocation of funds will be competitive.

All Section officers and Chapter/Affinity Group chairs have been contacted with a reminder that the following annual reports are required to be eligible for a rebate:

Please visit the Conferences and Events page on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website for upcoming Lectures by Distinguished Lecturers.

IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
2019, 2020, and 2021 | www.ieee-icme.org

Sponsored By:
TheIEEEComputer Society

Follow the links on the right side of this page to view more news around IEEE. This month's featured IEEE News source is IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter. The January edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter is a special issue on customers.

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC. Visit the SPS Job Submission Form.

Member News: Steve Chen YouTube Co-Founder Steve Chen on visual innovation and entrepreneurship. Read more.

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of January, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "The Best of IEEE-USA InSight: On Licensing Software Engineers." Author Dr. Phillip A. Laplante, CSDP, P.E. compiled this collection of 10 useful articles appearing in IEEE-USA InSight the past few years. The book examines the question of whether software engineers should be licensed in the United States.

IEEE Future Directions has launched the IEEE 5G Initiative and the corresponding IEEE 5G Technical Community to address the challenges associated with 5G and lay the foundation to realize its many opportunities.


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