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PhD Position in Robust Signal Processing for Automotive Radars

The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) at TU Delft is offering one PhD vacancy under the newly funded ‘Signal Processing for Environment-Aware Radar’ (SPEAR) project. The project will be carried out in the research group of Dr. N. J. Myers, in collaboration with researchers at the faculty of 3mE and the faculty of EEMCS.

Research Engineer (Research Fellow) in Sound Sensing

Research Engineer (Research Fellow) in Sound Sensing

       Location: University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

       Closing Date: Monday 08 August 2022 (23:59 BST)

       Further details:

Faculty Position - NYU ECE Department, NYU Wireless

NYU ECE Department is looking to hire in all areas related to wireless systems including, but not limited to (in alphabetical order): antennas, circuits, communications theory, information theory, machine learning, networking, radio propagation, signal processing, sensing, security, and applications. The candidate will be a member of NYU WIRELESS, a world leading research institute on next generation networks; we seek individuals that can engage actively with the industrial affiliates of the center.

2022 NYU BME Ph.D. and M.S. Openings

The Computational Medicine Lab (CML) at the New York University’s Biomedical Engineering Department has Ph.D. and M.S. openings for highly motivated and creative prospective Ph.D. and M.S. students with applied mathematics, signal processing, and/or control theory backgrounds to develop mathematical algorithms for biomedical engineering applications with a focus on human subject research. The Ph.D. and M.S.

Faculty Positions in the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing

The School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing is a multidisciplinary school in Southern University of Science and Technology with diversified specialties in design, intelligent manufacturing, computer engineering, electrical and electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering, and system management.

Please visit the website at for more information about the School.

Post Specification (10 posts)

Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professorship in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering invites applications for a number of tenured and/or tenure track faculty positions at all ranks in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at SUSTech. 

Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Technologies (all areas)

  • Aalto University – in the top-20 young universities worldwide – invites applications for an Assistant or Associate level professor in all areas at the intersection of computational sciences and arts or design. We are particularly interested in candidates studying novel computational methods to augment human creativity and imagination, including but not limited  to fields such as:

    • Artificial intelligence, especially applications in creativity, games, and arts;

    • Computational design, creativity support;

PhD scholarship in GPU processing for Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech) from December 2021 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU and the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE.

PhD scholarship in Deep Learning for Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging

A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Heath Tech) from December 2021 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and the Department of Health Technology at DTU. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU and the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” - SURE.

2 x Professor / Reader of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

2 x Professor / Reader of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Department of Computer Science
University of Surrey
Guildford, UK 


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