July 2010

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

July 2010

Book 1 of this four-part E-Book series outlines a framework to help you prepare for your next presentation.

The July 2010 “Best of the Web” column of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine introduces the social signal processing network (SSPNet), a large European collaboration aimed at establishing a research community in social signal processing (SSP),

The Vice President-Awards and Membership, Michael D. Zoltowski, is seeking nominations for the position of Chair of the Fellow Reference Committee.

The International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP 2011), hosted by the National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala (India) and technically co-sponsored by IEEE Region 10 & IEEE Kerala Section, will be held in Calicut, Kerala, India from Feb. 10 to Feb. 12, 2011.


Table of Contents:

SPS Social Media

IEEE SPS Educational Resources

IEEE SPS Resource Center

IEEE SPS YouTube Channel