December 2011

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

December 2011

The Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (MMSP TC) promotes the advancement of multimedia signal processing technology with special emphasis on the interaction, coordination, synchronization, and joint processing of multimedia and multi-modality signals.

At its 15 September 2011 meeting, the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society passed amendments to the Society’s Constitution document.

The BioImaging and Signal Processing Technical Committee (BISP TC) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE-SPS) promotes activities within the broad technical areas of biomedical and biological signal and image processing.

On 5 October, Congressman Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) introduced a bill into Congress that will change the process international students use to become American citizens.  The bill will reduce the time between students earning their advanced degrees and when they can get a green card from between five and ten years to less than one.

At the 2011 IEEE ICASSP in Prague, the program committee revived the idea of expert overview sessions called “Trends,” which are summary talks authored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committees and presented by their keynote experts.

Starting from its September issue, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine publishes a serious of three columns summarizing the “Trends” expert sessions. As the second part, the column articles in the November issue allow readers to access the summaries of the following Trends sessions.

Raytheon's Electrical Design Directorate (EDD) provides engineering design, integration, test and production to core radar, sonar, torpedo and combat system competencies

The role: Wireless Systems Engineer: As a Wireless Systems Engineer at Google, you be evaluating and testing novel wireless systems, working closely with the system design team and the business development team to ensure the delivered system is solid and good design tradeoffs have been made.

A beta version of the new tool to report new geographic organizational unit officers or officer changes has been released.

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President Jose' M.F. Moura in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of Vice President-Finance and Vice President-Technical Directions for the term 1 January 2013 through 31 December 2015.


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