IEEE’s Annual Election

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

IEEE’s Annual Election

IEEE has officially released the names of the 2015-2016 IEEE Annual Election candidates. We are proud to note that many of the candidates are Signal Processing Society members. Four of the candidates, in particular, have served as Signal Processing Society Officers.

  • Candidates for the 2015 IEEE President-Elect include Board-nominated Frederick C. Mintzer, 2004-2005 SPS President; Board-nominated Barry Shoop and petition candidate Tariq S. Durrani, 1994-1995 SPS President. A conversation with the Board-nominated candidates appears here.
  • Candidates for 2015 IEEE Division Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect for Division IX include K. J. Ray Liu, 2012-2013 SPS President and René M. Garello.
  • Candidates for 2015 IEEE Technical Activities Vice President-Elect, 2015 include: Jose M.F. Moura, 2008-2009 SPS President and Douglas N. Zuckerman.

Other SPS members running for election are:

2015 IEEE Division Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect, Division I: (Societies: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society; IEEE Electron Devices Society; IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society)

  • Maciej J. Ogorzalek, SPS Member (Nominated by IEEE Division I); Rakesh Kumar (Nominated by IEEE Division I) and Renuka P. Jindal (Nominated by IEEE Division I).

2015-2016 IEEE Region Delegate-Elect/Director-Elect, Region 6 (Western USA)

  • Kathleen A. Kramer, SPS Member (Nominated by IEEE Region 6) and Sundaram K. (S.K.) Ramesh (Nominated by IEEE Region 6).

The full list of IEEE Annual Election candidates can be found here.

IEEE members’ annual election ballot packages should arrive in August via first-class mail. Read more for details.

We strongly urge you to vote. Winning candidates often tally just a small percentage of total membership, so your vote can make a big difference.

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