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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) recently launched a new way for Sections to recognize members for their years of service to IEEE. The IEEE Loyalty Program allows Section leaders to thank new and longtime members alike, regardless of grade, with commemorative lapel pins to celebrate milestone years of IEEE membership.
The attractive one-inch pins are available for members who have reached two, five, ten, 20, 25, 30, and 50 years of cumulative service as IEEE members. Pins also include a certificate to be presented to the member. A short pin and certificate presentation ceremony at a local Chapter meeting or event can be a great way to increase member involvement and engagement for members who aren’t otherwise active in a more significant role. Additionally, the IEEE Loyalty Program may increase new member interest by celebrating early years of IEEE membership, regardless of grade or professional standing. Society Affiliates, however, are not eligible and years as a Society Affiliate are not counted toward cumulative years of service.
Pins are paid for by your Section, therefore ordering is restricted to Section Chairs, Section Membership Development Chairs, Section Secretaries, and Section Treasurers. For more information about member eligibility, pricing, and ordering, please visit the IEEE Loyalty Program website. If you have any further questions about the program, e-mail
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