August 2014

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

August 2014

The first EURASIP PhD Summer School will be held on 8-12 September 2014 in Pisa (Italy) and will focus on Radar Signal Processing. The School aims to providing PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and young scientists with the unique opportunity to meet and learn from leading experts about the most advanced signal processing techniques applied in radar systems for remote sensing, target classification and surveillance.

During the last couple of months a number of machine learning and signal processing contests have recently finished and the final rankings have been announced.

IEEE SigView has recently posted two presentations about Cognitive Information Processing as (1) Bayesian Data Fusion for Cognitive Dynamical Systems and (2) Deep Dynamic Bayesian Networks as a bio-inspired interaction modeling in Interaction Driven - Cognitive Dynamic Systems (ID-CDS).

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of July, IEEE-USA is offering "Leading and Managing Engineering & Technology – Book 1: Perspectives on Leading and Managing." Gerard H. “Gus” Gaynor writes that the competencies needed to lead and manage continue to be misunderstood.

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society organizes the SP Cup competition for undergraduates at ICASSP2015. This competition aims to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to form teams and work together to solve a challenging and interesting real-world problem using signal-processing techniques. Three teams will be selected to present their work, and the prizes will be awarded at ICASSP 2015.

SC2014 will be held 22-24 August 2014, at the RAI Convention Centre in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The primary audience for IEEE Sections Congress is IEEE members who are volunteering within the MGA structure (Region, geographic Council, Section, Subsection, Chapter, and Affinity Group), but volunteers from other IEEE units are encouraged to attend as well.

The IEEE MGA vTools team is happy to announce successful new releases for the following vTools applications:

vTools.eNotice: A new vTools application has been released to replace the existing eNotice submission form. Both options will remain available during the month of July as the pilot phase is completed.

Try the new eNotice content management system now

The following SPS Distinguished lectures will be held in the upcoming months


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