April 2016

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

April 2016

Did you know that IEEE provides risk management solutions to help members with the following concerns?

IEEE Section Chairs and Section Membership Development Chairs receive a monthly email notification regarding newly joined members in your Section. The current list of new members (those who joined in the past 30 days) is available through SAMIEEE, your volunteer analytics tool. The report provides member contact information: name, mailing address, email address, phone number, type of membership (traditional, e-membership), Societies joined, grade, and reasons for joining IEEE.

IEEE adheres to the highest standards of integrity and conducts business around the world in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on the organization’s behalf -- both our volunteers and employees -- ensure IEEE’s compliance by adhering to the same standards and expectations. IEEE has created a robust ethics and compliance program tailored to its unique operation in 190 countries. Given that the world is both complex and changing, this program is designed to ensure that volunteers and employees understand and meet legal requirements around the world.

MGA would like to thank everyone for submitting their officer, meeting, and financial reports to IEEE in a timely manner. Following review of the reports, the rebates will be completed and distributed to eligible geographic units whose officer, financial, and meeting activity reporting was received complete and subsequently approved. As a reminder, the rebate is paid to the Section. The funds provided are intended for the support of not only the Section’s activities, but also the activities of its subunits, including Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and IEEE Student organizations.

Chapter Dates Distinguished Lecturer Lecture Details
Vancouver April 21, 2016 Min Wu (University of Maryland, USA) Lecture topic: "Exploring Power Network Signatures for Information Forensics." Contact chapter chair Ivan Bajic for more information.

Liu, Yang, (Lehigh University), “Reliable and Efficient Transmission of Signals: Coding Design, Beamforming Optimization and Multi-Point Cooperation” (2016) Advisor: Li, Jing

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences in Signal Processing.


Now IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form at the related TC section pages.

To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and clicking on a particular TC. A link for the form can be found in the sidebar menu of the TC pages. Jobs can also be viewed from its individual TC pages or a combined listing that includes all TC jobs.

For our February 2016 issue, we cover recent patents dealing with range image formation and processing.


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