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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IVMSP TC) promotes and guides the advancement of the field of image, video, and multidimensional signal processing. It provides leadership for the technical programs for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; recruits and volunteers reviewers for ICIP and for the IVMSP-related areas at ICASSP; assists in proposing and organizing ICIP; organizes and operates IVMSP workshops and sessions at ICIP and ICASSP; and participates in a range of other SPS activities.
This year, IVMSP TC has continued its key role in overseeing the organization, reviewing process and the technical program of the ICIP and ICASSP conferences, and provided core reviewing by volunteer TC members. ICASSP 2017 was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from March 5th to 9th, featured 16 special sessions from diverse areas in signal processing and its applications, 4 keynote lectures given by prominent speakers, as well as 14 tutorials. The conference had a technical programme that included 2,500 presentations of high-quality papers and was attended by over 2200 attendees. The excellent technical programme was complemented by panels, workshops, industry fora, and other events.
Following the very successful 2016 organisation of the TC’s flagship workshop in Bordeaux, France, preparations are under way for the 2018 IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing workshop that will take place in Zagori, Greece, in June 2018. The main themes of next year’s IVMSP workshop will be Big Data, Social Media, and Computational Imaging.
IVMSP TC welcomes participation from all members of the SPS technical community interested in the TC areas. Affiliate membership within the TC is open to all, and you are encouraged to sign up. For additional information, please visit the TC website.
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