Upcoming Webinar: 28 November 2017, Dr. Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama

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Upcoming Webinar: 28 November 2017, Dr. Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama

Webinar Details: November 28, 2017 from 11 pm to 12 am (EST) or November 29, 2017 from 11 am to 12 pm (JST)
Attendee Registration Link: Register for Webinar, by Dr. Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama

"The IEEE Signal Processing Society is very excited to offer the next webinar in our new series featuring “technical and technological innovations and their applications in signal processing” from top researchers and thought leaders in academia and industry. This webinar, which cannot be experienced elsewhere, will discuss the history of an innovation that has become ubiquitous to all of us: “25 Years of Audio Coding: How We Arrived at Audio Playback on the iPhone and Its Underlying Technology” is being presented by one of the premier pioneers in the development of the world’s first Silicon Audio, Dr. Akihiko (Ken) Sugiyama. This lecture presents the 25-year history of audio coding technology while also focusing on MPEG Audio Coding. This is the most widely used international standard (ISO) in our daily life and some of its important techniques are explained along with the history of audio coding leading up to the iPod, iPhone, and smart watch technology. The advent of Silicon Audio, developed in 1994 and referred to as the “real ancestor” of Apple’s iPod, is the highlight of this lecture. The audience will see how the iPod started its function 20+ years ago, and whose metamorphosis led to the iPhone and smart watch of today.

Note that this webinar will be held on Japan Standard Time, so please join Dr. Sugiyama on November 28, 2017 from 11 pm to 12 am (EST) or November 29, 2017 from 11 am to 12 pm (JST), as he takes us on this historical journey recounting in his own words: “a new audio-data compression and storage system employing the MPEG/Audio Layer II algorithm for data compression…Decoding is carried out by a general purpose digital signal processor and a specially designed gate array chip.” [A. Sugiyama et al., IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 186-194, Feb. 1995; DOI: 10.1109/30.370326].

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Colacchio, Senior Manager Publications, Education Strategy and Services, IEEE Signal Processing Society at w.colacchio@ieee.org."

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