ALASKA 2 Steganalysis Challenge is Open

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

ALASKA 2 Steganalysis Challenge is Open

The ALASKA 2 Steganalysis Challenge is now open! This competition is supported by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and organized by IEEE SPS Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee in conjunction with their flagship workshop, IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security. The entry deadline is 13 July 2020 at 11:59 PM (UTC). Full details about the competition can be found here.

The goal of the competition is to push the community towards image steganalysis (detection of an extremely weak signal added to hide a secret data into a cover image), “into the wild” facing two main challenges:

  1. The very high heterogeneity of image "sources", with widely different type of content, processing operations, sensor noises, etc. …
  2. Designing machine learning method for detection with low false positive, ideally that could be guaranteed.

Prizes in the amount of $25,000 are being offered and will be shared among the three top scorers.

On the top of the competition, a special session will be organized at IEEE WIFS 2020, which will be held in December 2020 in New York City. All competitors are warmly invited to submit a paper for this special session. Submitted paper will be evaluated on both their scientific quality, novelty and the result achieved in the competition. IEEE SPS generously support this activity by offering travel grants to authors of accepted papers.

On the behalf of the organizers,
Rémi Cogranne, Patrick Bas and Quentin Giboulot

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