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Title: Human Centric Visual Analysis - Hand, Gesture, Pose, Action, and Beyond
Date: 13 February 2023
Time: 10:30 AM Eastern (New York time)
Duration: Approximately 1 Hour
Presenters: Dr. Joe (Zhou) Ren
Based on the IEEE Xplore® article: Robust Part-Based Hand Gesture Recognition Using Kinect Sensor
Published: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, February 2013, available in IEEE Xplore®
Download: The original article is available for download.
Human centric visual analysis tasks are essential to computer vision since humans are the key element for cameras to analyze. In this talk, I will mainly focus on 4 visual analysis tasks on human hand, gesture, pose, and action respectively. More specifically, I will introduce the following 4 tasks: 1) hand gesture recognition using RGBD camera, 2) 3D hand shape and pose estimation from a single RGB image, 3) human pose estimation and tracking by modeling temporal dynamics, and 4) weakly-guided self-supervised pretraining for action detection, which I have published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2013, CVPR 2019, CVPR 2021, and AAAI 2023.
This webinar covers human centric visual analysis using various input modalities including RGBD, RGB image and video. Different state-of-the-art modeling techniques will be introduced, such as Finger Earth Mover's Distance, Graph Neural Networks, and Self-Supervised Learning, whose effectiveness are demonstrated in those tasks. With finer and better human analysis from hand to gesture, pose, and action, at the end I will briefly discuss how to extend to other tasks beyond, such as ReID, tracking, and Human-Computer-Interaction, etc.
Joe (Zhou) Ren (SM’22) is currently an Applied Science Manager at Amazon AWS. He was a Principal Research Manager and founding member at Wormpex AI Research from 2018 to 2022. Before that, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Snap Inc. from 2016 to 2018. He received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at University of California Los Angeles in 2016.
He is currently an Associate Editor of The Visual Computer Journal and Chair of Industrial Publication Committee at Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association. He served as an Area Chair for CVPR 2021 & 2022, WACV 2022 & 2023, and as a Senior Program Committee for AAAI 2021 & 2022. His current research interests include computer vision, video analysis, and multimodal understanding, etc.
Dr. Ren is the recipient of the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2016 Best Paper Award and he is the CVPR 2017 Best Student Paper Award nominee. He has won the runner-up prize of the NIPS 2017 Adversarial Attack and Defense Competition and the 1st Prize in ICCV 2021 Low Power Computer Vision Challenge.
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