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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Initiatives & Trends

Software defined radio (SDR) is an architecture for designing more flexibility and generalized hardware for communication systems, radar, sonar or remote sensing systems making more intelligent and multi-function radio systems possible. In the January 2015 issue of the Proceedings of the IEEE , two articles present surveys in the fields of software defined networking (SDN) and the spectrum management for radar systems which is one of the key techniques for radar and wireless communication.

The December edition of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter is live and covers a microgrid experience in Tianjin, building management systems, smart substations, and a look at what the IEEE Smart Grid Initiative is planning for 2015.

The IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) announced it has launched its new IEEE IoT eNewsletter, a bi-monthly online publication highlighting important global IoT-related technology developments, innovations, and trends from the world's top-subject matter experts, researchers, and industry practitioners.

There have been reports that the entire US power grid can suffer a major blackout nationwide by an attack on merely 9 of its 55,000 substations, if planned intentionally. This may sound suspicious, but on a smaller scale, how vulnerable is a regional electrical power grid, say the San Francisco Bay area, the heart of high-tech industry, under major outage or malicious penetrations?

For our January 2015 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of audio coding. The section below covers patents granted recently for various new audio coding methods, tonal artifact avoidance, and a novel MP3 encoder.

A team led by Stanford electrical engineers has compressed a completely sequenced human genome to just 2.5 megabytes – small enough to attach to an email. The engineers used what is known as reference-based compression, relying on a human genome sequence that is already known and available. Their compression has improved on the previous record by 37 percent. The genome the team compressed was that of James Watson, who co-discovered the structure of DNA more than 60 years ago

For our December 2014 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of image denoising. The section below covers patents granted recently for image de-bluring, enhancement layer video coding,  enhanced MRI signal reconstruction, image noise removal, and anisotropic denoising.

Precision medicine is a new model of health care which gains insights from an individual's history and biology patterns, to create more precise diagnosis and treatment, at a lower cost. Precision medicine is a big data problem. Despite the completion of Human Genome Project more than ten years ago and the development in the field as a whole, precision medicine is still not a routine practice of medicine due to the lack of appropriate technical work and software platforms.

In this series, we introduce topics outside of the signal processing world from which we believe signal processing researchers and practitioners can benefit. This month, we report on a special issue on "Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Computation" published  by the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation.

The IEEE Internet of Things Initiative (IoT) announced it has launched its new IEEE IoT eNewsletter, a bi-monthly online publication highlighting important global IoT-related technology developments, innovations, and trends from the world's top-subject matter experts, researchers, and industry practitioners. The IEEE IoT eNewsletter is provided as a benefit of becoming a member of the complimentary IEEE IoT Technical Community, which anyone actively involved or interested in IoT can join at no charge.



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