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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Society News

IEEE Signal Processing Society Past President K. J. Ray Liu in his capacity as Chair of the Society’s Nominations and Appointments Committee invites nominations for the IEEE Signal Processing Society Officer positions of President-Elect for the term 1 January 2016-31 December 2017 and Vice President-Technical Directions for the term 1 January 2016-31 December 2018.

In 2014, the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) volunteers and staff proactively worked to ensure that the Society support its members, products, and services with speed and efficiency.

The work paid off, though, and it is apparent through a host of accomplishments we made throughout 2014. In June, SPS had its five-year Society Review with the Technical Activities Board (TAB) Society Review Committee. The review went extremely well, and the Committee praised and highlighted many areas in membership, publications, conferences, and operations.

IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select IEEE members. The honor is conferred by the IEEE Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.

Nominations are due 31 January 2015 for the IEEE Technical Field Awards (TFA). IEEE TFAs are awarded for contributions or leadership in a specific field of interest of the IEEE and are among the highest awards presented on behalf of the IEEE Board of Directors.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society congratulates the following SPS members who will receive the Society's prestigious awards during ICASSP 2015 in Brisbane, Australia.


K. J. Ray Liu for "influential technical contributions and profound leadership impact."


Moeness G. Amin for "fundamental contributions to signal processing algorithms for communications, satellite navigations, and radar imaging."

Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.

The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 51 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2015:

Are you passionate about social media and interested in improving the IEEE Signal Processing Society's online presence? We are looking for a lead volunteer to Chair an effort to organize, represent and improve the Society’s online content and social media presence. The position will have high visibility and interactions with other Society volunteers and IEEE/SPS staff across the organization. The primary responsibilities are noted below.

This past November, longtime IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) member and IEEE Fellow Dr. Thomas Kailath received the National Medal of Science in Washington, DC. U.S. President Barack Obama presented the award to Dr. Kailath "for transformative contributions to the fields of information and system science, for distinctive and sustained mentoring of young scholars, and for translation of scientific ideas into entrepreneurial ventures that have had a significant impact on industry."

IEEE has announced the recipients of the 2015 IEEE medals. Three Signal Processing Society members were awarded with IEEE medals for 2015: James Julius Spilker (IEEE Edison Medal), Harry L. Van Trees (IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing Medal) and Richard Gordon Baranuik (IEEE James H. Mulligan, Jr. Education Medal).


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