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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Technical Committee News

The Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems Technical Committee (DISPS TC) has the mission to promote and support activities of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in the areas of: i) design, development and implementation of signal processing systems; ii) design of algorithms with implementation in mind and iii) design of software tools and methodologies to support the design of signal processing systems.

For our June 2015 issue, we cover recent patents dealing with various applications of image inpainting. The section below covers patents granted recently for image segmentation, image enhancement, mobile authentication, texture analysis and image compression.

Machine learning, a subfield of computer science, has been widely applied in many areas from science to engineering to many interdisciplinary fields. Nature Reviews Genetics recently published an article that summarized machine learning applications in genetics and genomics, authored by University of Washington researchers Maxwell W. Libbrecht and William Stafford Noble. The topics of interest included supervised versus unsupervised learning, generative versus discriminative modeling, incorporating prior knowledge, handling heterogeneous data, feature selection, imbalanced class sizes, handling missing data, and modelling dependence among examples.

The latest IEEE Biometrics Council (BMC) newsletter reports a welcome message from Venu Govindaraju, the new president of the IEEE BMC, latest datasets for fingerprint algorithm evaluation and a large biometrics-based human identification initiative in India.

How fast is online learning evolving? Are wind turbines a promising investment? And how long before a cheap hoverboard makes it to market? Attempting to answer such questions requires knowing something about the rate at which a technology is improving. Now engineers at MIT have devised a formula for estimating how fast a technology is advancing, based on information gleaned from relevant patents.

In our "What should we learn from... " series we report on a special issue from IEEE Potentials in March/April 2015. It gave some interesting comments on Biomimicry or Bioinspiration covering fields such as sensors networks, vision systems, health care and robot design which we believe are very relevant to the signal processing community.

Topological data analysis (TDA) is an emerging multi-discipline area of research spanning topology, statistics, machine learning, signal processing and computation geometry. In our video of the month, Gunnar Carlsson, Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Stanford University and co-founder of Ayasdi, offers a nice and concise introduction to TDA.

For our May 2015 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of visual gait recognition. The section below covers patents granted recently for gait recognition technologies in computer generated reality, visual behavior recognition, access management and motion classification.

For our April 2015 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of wavelet analysis. The section below covers patents granted recently for seismic data analysis, image stream compression, audio identification, continuous wavelet estimation, multidimensional data analysis, motion tracking, dispersion measurement, time domain network analysis, and video fingerprinting.


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