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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
By Marco Lops, Christoph Mecklenbräuker, Marius Pesavento, and Dominic Ho
The Sensor Array and Multichannel Technical Committee (SAM TC) welcomes six new members starting in January 2013: Chong-Yung Chi, Xavier Mestre, Philip Schniter, Ami Wiesel, Kainam Wong and Rui Zhang. We thank six retired members who have been very dedicated in serving the TC for the past few years: Biao Chen, Aleksandar Dogandzic, Erik Larsson, Hongbin Li, Sergiy Vorobyov and Abdelhak Zoubir.
Several SAM members and nominees received IEEE Signal Processing Society awards that were ceremonially handed during the ICASSP'13 conference in Vancouver, May 2013. In particular, Ali Sayed received the Technical Achievement Award and the Best Paper Award, and Athina Petropulu is honored with the Meritorious Service Award. Moreover, the SAM nominees who eventually received an award include:
In addition to the Signal Processing Society Awards, two SAM members were newly elected to be Fellow of IEEE: Antonio De Maio for contributions to radar signal processing, and Erchin Serpedin for contributions to synchronization of communication systems.
In ICASSP’13, SAM received 216 paper submissions of which 114 were accepted. Eleven sessions were dedicated to SAM, 4 in lecture and 7 in poster.
The 5th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP2013) will be held at the Radisson Blu Resort in Saint Martin, a French-Dutch island in the Caribbean, on December 15-18, 2013. CAMSAP2013 will feature a number of plenary talks from the world’s researchers in the area, special focus sessions by internationally recognized experts, and contributed papers. The deadline for full four-page paper submission is July 12, 2013. Further information about CAMSAP2013 can be found on the conference website.
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