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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
by Béatrice Pesquet-Popescu and Fa-Long Luo
(Chair and Past-Chair of the IDSP-SC)
The Industry Digital Signal Processing Technology Standing Committee (IDSP-SC) promotes emerging signal processing applications and industry technologies and also encourages industry participation in the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In this article, we review a number of changes that occurred over the last few months, as well as proposals that we made.
In order to better reflect industry hot topics and encourage a stronger involvement of the companies in the IEEE SPS flagship conferences, a major revision of the EDICS was proposed by the IDSP TC and approved by the Conference Board. The new EDICS are listed here. You are invited to submit more papers, demos and special sessions in these topics, starting with the next ICASSP 2014 and ICIP 2014.
Show and Tell
Moreover, IDSP-SC supports the Show and Tell sessions at the next ICASSP 2014 and ICIP 2014 , promoting thus innovative ways of strengthening the interactions between researchers and practitioners. The demo program is designed to offer a highly interactive and dynamic environment, where participants can demonstrate innovative research prototypes and receive feedback on theoretical generalizations as well as applicability in the real world. If you want to maximize the visibility of your industrial research demos and prototypes, do not hesitate to contact the ICASSP2014 Show &Tell committee chair Augusto Sarti and the Demos and Exhibits IDSP Subcommittee Chair Gilbert Mazin and submit your proposal.
Advisory Activity
In addition to major involvement with publications, conferences, standardizations and engineering certifications, the IDSP-SC is now proposing to provide technology advisory and consulting services for government agencies, regulation bodies, industry incubators, financial investors and funding foundations on various issues related to advancement of signal and information processing. These services include but not limited to:
The above advisory and consulting services could be made with IDSP-SC as an entity (like a technology advisory board of an organization) or IDSP-SC members as individual experts. More importantly, the involvements and supports from other TCs of SPS are highly invited.
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