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Awards and Membership Honors
(Chair: Yanmin Qian, Vice Chair: Tara Sainath, Members: Jiangyan Yi, Jing Huang, Lei Wang, Zhenhua Ling)
Manage the SPS awards nomination process for the TC. Conduct awards election and identify final nominations. The list of awards is available on the SPS website.
(Chair: Jun Du, Vice Chair: Jesus Villalba, Members: Daniele Giacobello, Koichiro Yoshino, Nobutaka Ito, Penny Karanasou, Ryuichiro Higashinaka)
Assist the Signal Processing Society in evaluating proposals for challenge competitions demonstrating advances in signal processing technology. Fosters development of new challenges in the speech and language processing domain.
(Chair: Engin Erzin, Vice Chair: Paola Garcia, Members: Kyu Jeong Han, Qiong Hu, Yangyang Shi)
Expand the circulation and maintain the TC newsletter in the areas outlined in our EDICS. Ensure that the newsletter is easily accessible and enables the larger community to participate in writing articles and providing views and suggestions in the form of blogs or other similar means. Manage and maintain the SLTC website and SLTC-SPS mailing list.
Conference Support
(Chair: Yong Xu, Vice Chair: Murat Saraclar, Members: Atsunori Ogawa, Esther Klabbers, Sakriani Sakti, Yongqiang Wang)
Helps maintain the reviewer pool to provide for a robust review process at ICASSP and TC-affiliated workshops. Maintains the EDICS, in concert with relevant SPS journals.
External Relations
(Chair: Hung-yi Lee, Vice Chair: Zheng-Hua Tan, Members: Bo Li, Emanuël Habets, Joseph Keshet, William Hartmann)
Collaborate with other international societies such as ISCA, ACL, and ACM, other IEEE societies such as Computer Society and Computational Intelligence Society, and other TCs such as AASP, MMSP, and MLSP in IEEE SPS that have shared interests to establish joint activities and initiatives (e.g., education and standard) and to co-sponsor events (e.g., workshops).
ICASSP Area Chairs
(Chair: Shinji Watanabe, Vice Chair: Yifan Gong, Members: Arun Narayanan, Atsunori Ogawa, Bengt Borgstrom, Berrak Sisman, Carlos Busso, Ebru Arisoy, Haitao Mi, Karen Livescu, Kyu Jeong Han, Sakriani Sakti, Takashi Fukuda, Yu Tsao, Zhizheng Wu)
Manage the ICASSP review process including assignment of reviewers to papers, coordinating meta-reviews by SLTC members, making final decisions, allocating papers to sessions, and inviting session chairs.
Member Election
(Chair: Ebru Arisoy, Vice Chair: Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Members: Carlos Busso, Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Jan Skoglund, Yu Tsao)
Manage the TC member election process. Solicit candidates in the areas identified in the TC EDICS, conduct the election, and identify finalists.
Student & Conference Paper Awards
(Chair: Ming Li, Vice Chair: Naoyuki Kanda, Members: Samuel Thomas, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Xie Chen, Yu Zhang)
Manage the ICASSP student awards process for the speech and language area. Identify finalists.
(Chair: Zhijian Ou, Vice Chair: Shi-Xiong Zhang, Members: Chenghua Lin, Haitao Mi, Sibel Oyman)
Promote having IEEE-sponsored workshops in the areas outlined in the TC EDICS. Conduct an election should multiple proposals be submitted for any given event. Provide new workshop organizers with the help necessary to get them started in organizing their event.