New Technical Pre-Approved Seasonal Schools Program

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

New Technical Pre-Approved Seasonal Schools Program

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is excited to launch the new Technical Pre-Approved Seasonal Schools Program, which will reward Chapters with a history of high quality programs and help increase the Society’s visibility and overall membership development of Students.
The program is only open to SPS Certified Chapters and upon approval, will be effective for a three-year period. The Chapter must have supported successfully at least two financially and/or technically sponsored SPS seasonal schools during the last three years. If the criteria is met, then an agreement with the Society will be signed that will allow Technical sponsorship to the Technical Pre-Approved Seasonal Schools organized by the Certified Chapter for the following three years.  
If Society financial sponsorship is also being sought by the organizers of a Technical Pre-Approved Seasonal School, they will still need to apply for support through the regular Seasonal Schools call for proposal process.  Full details on the program and qualifications can be found on the SPS website.
Submit your Application Today!

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