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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Each year, the IEEE Board of Directors confers the grade of Fellow on up to one-tenth of one percent of the voting members. To qualify for consideration, an individual must have been a Member, normally for five years or more, and a Senior Member at the time for nomination to Fellow. The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in IEEE’s designated fields.
The Signal Processing Society congratulates the following 37 SPS members who were recognized with the grade of Fellow as of 1 January 2020:
Paavo Alku, for contributions to analysis, synthesis and quality improvement of speech signals.
Adel Belouchrani, for contributions to blind source separation and to non-stationary signal and array processing.
Sen-Ching Cheung, for contributions to multimedia data processing and their applications in autism interventions.
Chong-Yung Chi, for contributions to convex analysis and optimization for blind source separation.
Wan Choi, for contributions to the analysis and design of multi-cell communication systems.
Zhiguo Ding, for contributions to non-orthogonal multiple access and energy harvesting communication.
Octavia Dobre, for contributions to the theory and practice of signal intelligence and emerging wireless technologies.
Touradj Ebrahimi, for contributions to visual information representation and assessment of quality of experience in multimedia.
Sina Farsiu, for contributions to multi-frame super resolution and ophthalmic image processing.
Feifei Gao, for contributions to channel estimation and signal processing for wireless communications.
Guofei Gu, for contributions to malware detection and security of next generation networks.
Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, for contributions to robustness of automatic speech recognition.
Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, for contributions to speech processing of under-resourced languages.
Daesik Hong, for contributions to wireless and cellular communication technologies.
Eduard Jorswieck, for contributions to resource allocation in wireless interference networks.
Markku Juntti, for contributions to multiuser and multi antenna communications.
Jeff Krolik, for contributions to statistical signal and sensor array processing for radar and sonar.
Jia Li, for contributions to real-time automatic image annotation and image retrieval.
Richard Lippmann, for contributions to neural networks and assessment of computer security systems.
Meinard Mueller, for contributions to music signal processing.
Robert Murphy, for contributions to machine learning algorithms for biological images.
Patrick Naylor, for contributions to signal processing for speech dereverberation and analysis.
Moshe Nazarathy, for contributions to optical systems and analog fiber-optic transmission.
Ana Perez-Neira, for contributions to signal processing for satellite communications and systems.
Markus Pueschel, for contributions to the implementation of signal processing techniques.
Christ Richmond, for contributions to adaptive array processing algorithms.
Tanja Schultz, for contributions to multilingual speech recognition and biosignal processing.
Gokhan Tur, for leadership in spoken language understanding and applications to virtual personal assistant products.
Shahrokh Valaee, for contributions to localization of wireless nodes.
Dimitri Van De Ville, for contribution to image processing for computational brain imaging.
Ba-Ngu Vo, for contributions to the theory of multiple object tracking and estimation.
Aaron Wagner, for contributions to distributed data compression.
Yunhong Wang, for contributions to iris and face recognition.
Yonggang Wen, for contributions to cloud systems for multimedia signal processing and communications.
Pengfei Xia, for contributions to multi-input multi-output millimeter wave wireless communications.
Jong Chul Ye, for contributions to signal processing and machine learning for bio-medical imaging.
Bowen Zhou, for leadership in human language technologies.
The following individuals were evaluated by the SPS, but are not SPS members:
Joel Tropp, for contributions to sparse signal processing.
Shaohua Zhou, for contributions to image analysis for medical imaging and face recognition.
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