Call for Proposals: Winter 2020-2021 Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Proposals: Winter 2020-2021 Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing

Are you looking to energize signal processing students, early stage researchers, and industry practitioners in your area? Consider hosting a Seasonal School for young engineers near you!

Seasonal Schools are interactive events designed to provide attendees with specialized background in select signal processing topics. Professors and established practitioners work closely with attendees in hands-on tutorials and applications, building meaningful collaborative relationships.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is happy to provide up to US$5,000 of support, on an application basis, to help offset the cost of these workshops and conferences, and we’re accepting proposals for Winter 2020-2021 Seasonal Schools now!

Proposals for Winter 2020-2021 Seasonal Schools are due April 7, 2020, with final decisions announced in early June. Proposal preparation guidelines can be found on the Seasonal Schools page on the SPS website.

Questions about the SPS Seasonal Schools program? Visit the Seasonal Schools page on the Society website.

Check back on the SPS website to keep up-to-date on upcoming Seasonal Schools!


Upcoming Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing
27-30 April 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Internet of Things for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
Hyderabad, India

18-24 June 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Biomedical Imaging
Brittany, France

June 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Deep Learning for Sensor Signal Analytics
Chandigarh, India

13-15 July 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Visual Image Search and Video Analytics (VISVA)

15-17 July 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Graph and Sparse Signal Processing
Hyderabad, India

September 2020 2020 IEEE SPS Summer School on Signal Processing for human-machine communication and Interaction
Ponza, Italy


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