Efficient Sensing of Correlated Spatiotemporal Signals: A Stochastic Gradient Approach

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Efficient Sensing of Correlated Spatiotemporal Signals: A Stochastic Gradient Approach

Hadi Alasti

A significantly low cost and tractable progressive learning approach is proposed and discussed for efficient spatiotemporal monitoring of a completely unknown, two dimensional correlated signal distribution in localized wireless sensor field. The spatial distribution is compressed into a number of its contour lines and only those sensors that their sensor observations are in a Δ margin of the contour levels are reporting to the information fusion center (FC). The proposed algorithm progressively finds the model parameters in iterations, by using extrapolation in curve fitting, and stochastic gradient method for spatial monitoring. The FC tracks the signal variations using these parameters, over time. The monitoring performance and the cost of the proposed algorithm are discussed, in this letter.


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