TMM Volume 22 Issue 1

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TMM Volume 22 Issue 1

Outdoor images are subject to degradation regarding contrast and color because atmospheric particles scatter incoming light to a camera. Existing haze models that employ model-based dehazing methods cannot avoid the dehazing artifacts. These artifacts include color distortion and overenhancement around object boundaries because of the incorrect transmission estimation from a depth error in the skyline and the wrong haze information, especially in bright objects.

The vector graphics with gradient mesh can be attributed to their compactness and scalability; however, they tend to fall short when it comes to real-time editing due to a lack of real-time rasterization and an efficient editing tool for image details. In this paper, we encode global manipulation geometries and local image details within a hybrid vector structure, using parametric patches and detailed features for localized and parallelized thin-plate spline interpolation in order to achieve good compressibility, interactive expressibility, and editability.

The analysis of sound information is helpful for audio surveillance, multimedia information retrieval, audio tagging, and forensic applications. Environmental audio scene recognition (EASR) and sound event recognition (SER) for audio surveillance are challenging tasks due to the presence of multiple sound sources, background noises, and the existence of overlapping or polyphonic contexts.


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