July 2017

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

July 2017

Igor Moáco Guerreiro, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil (2017), "Distributed optimization techniques for 4G and beyond", advisor: Charles Casimiro Cavalcante

The Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee for each Technical Committee is currently seeking nominations for new Members, as well as the Vice Chair position for some Technical Committees. Nominations for both positions should be submitted directly to each Technical Committee’s Nominations and Appointments Subcommittee. Please provide the name, contact information and biography with the nomination.

The IEEE Board of Directors has approved the 2018 IEEE Technical Field Awards. The complete list of recipients and their citations is online at www.ieee.org/awards. Please feel free to send your notes of congratulations and to publicize the recipients within your IEEE and professional affiliations.

The following list reflects signal processing related and/or SPS Member award recipients:

One of IEEE’s newest members is Terah Lyons, a former policy advisor for the Obama administration’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, who joined IEEE in March.

Please read her interview at http://theinstitute.ieee.org/members/profiles/qa-with-terah-lyons-former-white-house-policy-advisor-on-ai

Pourkamali Anaraki, Farhad. University of Colorado at Boulder,(2017) "Randomized Algorithms for Large-Scale Data Analysis", advisor: Becker, Stephen

Massive high-dimensional data sets are ubiquitous in all scientific disciplines.

Fan, Bin. Michigan State University, (2017) "Polycrystalline diamond based neural interface for optogenetics and neurotransmitter detection" advisor: Wen Li

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has kicked off a challenge to improve the algorithm Transportation Security Administration (TSA) uses to detect airport security threats. The goal of this competition is to reduce the number of false alarms while maintaining high levels of security using image data. This is because when the scanning equipment predicts a potential threat, a TSA agent must engage in a secondary, manual screening process that slows everything down. By reducing false alarms, the passenger experience can be greatly improved.

Two special sessions entitled “50 Years of Circuits, Systems & Signals: A Session in Honor of Prof. Sanjit K. Mitra (Parts I and II) were presented at the 50th IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems held at Baltimore, Maryland on May 28-31, 2017. Nine papers by authors from Brazil, India, Italy, Singapore, and USA were presented in these two sessions. Prof. Mitra was also recognized as a pioneer in the area of circuits & systems and presented a talk in the special session “Pioneers of Circuits & Systems II” at the same conference.


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