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Conventional video saliency detection methods frequently follow the common bottom-up thread to estimate video saliency within the short-term fashion. As a result, such methods can not avoid the obstinate accumulation of errors when the collected low-level clues are constantly ill-detected. Also, being noticed that a portion of video frames, which are not nearby the current video frame over the time axis, may potentially benefit the saliency detection in the current video frame.
Recent advances in image acquisition and analysis have resulted in disruptive innovation in physical rehabilitation systems facilitating cost-effective, portable, video-based gait assessment. While these inexpensive motion capture systems, suitable for home rehabilitation, do not generally provide accurate kinematics measurements on their own, image processing algorithms ensure gait analysis that is accurate enough for rehabilitation programs.
We propose a novel multi-stream architecture and training methodology that exploits semantic labels for facial image deblurring. The proposed Uncertainty Guided Multi-Stream Semantic Network (UMSN) processes regions belonging to each semantic class independently and learns to combine their outputs into the final deblurred result. Pixel-wise semantic labels are obtained using a segmentation network.
We introduce an effective fusion-based technique to enhance both day-time and night-time hazy scenes. When inverting the Koschmieder light transmission model, and by contrast with the common implementation of the popular dark-channel [1] , we estimate the airlight on image patches and not on the entire image.
Although many spectral unmixing models have been developed to address spectral variability caused by variable incident illuminations, the mechanism of the spectral variability is still unclear. This paper proposes an unmixing model, named illumination invariant spectral unmixing (IISU).
Modern System-on-Chip (SoC) designs integrate a number of third party IPs (3PIPs) that coordinate and communicate through a Network-on-Chip (NoC) fabric to realize system functionality. An important class of SoC security attack involves a rogue IP tampering with the inter-IP communication.
Android inter-app communication (IAC) allows apps to request functionalities from other apps, which has been extensively used to provide a better user experience. However, IAC has also become an enticing target by attackers to launch malicious activities.
Active noise control (ANC) is a technology which lowers the noise level by using the principle of destructive interference of sound wave. Even though recent developments in digital signal processing (DSP) made it possible to implement ANC algorithms in real-time, insufficient computational power is still one of the challenges to solve. In the previous research, as a way of overcoming the lack of computational power, CPU-GPU architecture was proposed so that ANC algorithms utilize the massive computing power of GPU without suffering from the block data transfer between CPU and GPU memories.
This article investigates deep learning based single- and multi-channel speech dereverberation. For single-channel processing, we extend magnitude-domain masking and mapping based dereverberation to complex-domain mapping, where deep neural networks (DNNs) are trained to predict the real and imaginary (RI) components of the direct-path signal from reverberant (and noisy) ones.
The problem of blind audio source separation (BASS) in noisy and reverberant conditions is addressed by a novel approach, termed Global and LOcal Simplex Separation (GLOSS), which integrates full- and narrow-band simplex representations. We show that the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix between time frames in a certain frequency band form a simplex that organizes the frames according to the speaker activities in the corresponding band.
The coded aperture snapshot spectral imager (CASSI) is a computational imaging system that acquires a three dimensional (3D) spectral data cube by a single or a few two dimensional (2D) measurements. The 3D data cube is reconstructed computationally. Binary on-off random coded apertures with square pixels are primarily implemented in CASSI systems to modulate the spectral images in the image plane.
Users of X-ray (micro-)CT in research environments often study many different types of objects, with many different research questions. For each new scan, the settings of the scan (number of angles, dose, cone angle) are chosen by the user, often based on how much time is available, the dose sensitivity of the sample, and geometrical characteristics of the particular CT-scanner that is used.
This paper formulates a multitask optimization problem where agents in the network have individual objectives to meet, or individual parameter vectors to estimate, subject to a smoothness condition over the graph. The smoothness condition softens the transition in the tasks among adjacent nodes and allows incorporating information about the graph structure into the solution of the inference problem.
In this paper, we analyze the two-node joint clock synchronization and ranging problem. We focus on the case of nodes that employ time-to-digital converters to determine the range between them precisely. This specific design choice leads to a sawtooth model for the captured signal, which has not been studied before from an estimation theoretic standpoint.
Active control of noise for multi-channel applications is affected by the existence of nonlinear primary and secondary paths. There is a degradation in the performance of linear multi-channel active noise control (LMANC) systems based on minimization of sum of squared errors obtained from multiple sensors in presence of nonlinear primary path (NPP) and nonlinear secondary path (NSP) conditions.