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The Latest News, Articles, and Events in Signal Processing

Dr. Birsen Yazici received her B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from Bogazici University, Istanbul Turkey, in 1988, and the M.S.and Ph.D.degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, in 1990 and 1994, respectively. 

The ALASKA 2 Steganalysis Challenge is now open!  The goal of the competition is to push the community towards image steganalysis, “into the wild” facing two main challenges: 1) The very high heterogeneity of image "sources", with widely different type of content, processing operations, sensor noises, etc. and 2) Designing machine learning method for detection with low false positive, ideally that could be guaranteed.  The entry deadline is 13 July 2020 at 11:59 PM (UTC). 

A new era of pervasive data generation is enabled by emerging sensing modalities and will pose new challenges to signal processing, data science, and robotics. For example, underwater robotic technology enables the development of advanced networks for underwater localization and mapping, and emerging aerial robotic technology enables the development of advanced networks for wide area localization and mapping. 

COVID-19 has disrupted the day-to-day activities of governments, corporates, and people across the globe. It is unfortunate that this virus has taken humanity to a stage where most of us spend time in isolation worrying about the future.

The use of machine-learning for multimedia forensics is gaining more and more consensus, especially due to the amazing possibilities offered by modern machine learning techniques. By exploiting deep learning tools, new approaches have been proposed whose performance remarkably exceed those achieved by state-of-the-art methods based on standard machine-learning and model-based techniques. 

The IEEE Signal Processing Society would like to express our concern and support for the members of our global community and all affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate your continued patience and support as we work together to navigate these unforeseen and uncertain circumstances. We hope that you, your families, and your communities are safe!

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC.

Please visit the Conferences and Events page on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website for Upcoming Lectures by Distinguished Lecturers.

The 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020) starts next week, and a fully virtual event opens even more opportunities and flexibility for you to interact and engage with your signal processing community!

Please refer to the following webpage for the latest updates on upcoming conferences, workshops, and events in Signal Processing. Listing of all conferences & events

The Signal Processing Society (SPS) has 13 Technical Committees and 2 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that support a broad selection of signal processing-related activities defined by the scope of the Society.

The workshop is 22nd in the series, organized by the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, with the aim to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, passionate about multimedia signal processing, to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, explore future research directions and network.

Virtual reality (VR) holds tremendous potential to advance our society. It is expected to make impact on quality of life, energy conservation, and the economy, and reach a $162B market by 2022. 

The global COVID 19 pandemic has changed everything. Universities, research institutes, companies and other organizations will be operating differently from now, that is, their business models will change drastically. Even when everything goes back to normal, the “new normal” will not resemble our “old normal.” 

Shiv Dutt Joshi received the B.E. degree (Hons.) in electrical and electronics engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, India, in 1981, and the M.Tech. degree in communications and radar engineering and the Ph.D. degree in signal processing from IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India, in 1983 and 1988, respectively. 

The First TReNDS Neuroimaging Competition is LIVE! The competition features the largest normative dataset of its kind and will push the limits of current predictive technologies to help determine the translational value of the provided features for future clinical use. Find more about this unique opportunity here.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society invites nominations for the positions of the Chair, Women in Signal Processing Committee and Chair, Young Professionals Committee. The term for the two positions is three years (1 January 2021-31 December 2023). Nominations must be received no later than 10 July 2020.

Braude College of Engineering / Total USA

We seek a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher for a cutting-edge research project sponsored by Total Exploration & Production Research & Technology, USA. The research is held at Braude College of Engineering, Israel, in close collaboration with Total and includes visiting periods at Total (Houston, USA). The postdoctoral researcher will develop novel deep learning algorithms for solving complex seismic inversion problems. Topics of interest include:


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