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PhD Student, Glasgow Caledonian University
Signal processing is exploited in daily industrial applications for analysis purposes, particularly in the power generation field. Consider the example of a high voltage power supply site – a plant that contains power generators and transformers. Such systems are susceptible to Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI), produced during the operation of the system or due to fault occurrence.
Lecture Date: December 6, 2016
Chapter: Chicago
Chapter Chair: Rashid Ansari
Topic: Convexity, Sparsity, Nullity and all Machine Leaning
Lecture Date: November 30, 2016
Chapter: Chicago
Chapter Chair: Rashid Ansari
Topic: When Power Meets Multimedia/Seeing the Invisibles: A Backstage Tour of Information Forensics
Three new Members-at-Large will take their seats on the Signal Processing Society Board of Governors beginning 1 January 2017 and will serve until 31 December 2019. The successful candidates are Abeer A.H. Alwan, Antonio Ortega and Beatrice Pesquet-Popescu.
The Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) has allocated $40,000 for Member-Driven Initiatives for the 2016 calendar year. The funding is open to all Signal Processing Society members, Chapters and Committees. However, all proposals must include the involvement of the local Chapter to encourage geographic development. Allocation of funds will be competitive.
For our November 2016 issue, we cover recent patents granted in the area of handwriting recognition, proposing novel hardware and software tools and signal processing algorithms for character separation and recognition, word extraction and content analysis.
What are things that all EEs know? What is the commonality of training and experience that holds us together as a profession, and how is it changing? What will it mean to be an EE in the future? Read about Robert W. Lucky's article “The ever-evolving field of electrical engineering” published in IEEE Spectum,
Thrasos Pappas SPS Vice President-Publications The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) invites nominations for the position of Editor-in-Chief for the following journals: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
IEEE is pleased to announce a new program that allows members and non-members alike to give the gift of IEEE membership. Please help promote this new program to your members and others who might want to share the opportunities of IEEE membership. When they give the gift of IEEE membership they are helping someone special build a platform for success.
Jose M.F. Moura, SPS Vice President-Awards and Membership and Sadaoki Furui, Chair, SPS Fellow Reference Committee IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership of the IEEE. It honors members with an outstanding record of technical achievements, contributing importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, and bringing significant value to society. Around this time (end of November), the new class of IEEE Fellows is announced.
The Executive Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) appointed two new Chairs who will start their terms on 1 January 2017: H.Vincent Poor and Isabel Trancoso.
The IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) is a scientific conference dedicated to mathematical, algorithmic, and computational aspects of biomedical imaging, across all scales of observation. It fosters knowledge transfer among different imaging communities and contributes to an integrative approach to biomedical imaging.
Please visit the Conferences and Events page on the IEEE Signal Processing Society website for upcoming Lectures by Distinguished Lecturers.
The IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee reports on the Interspeech conference and an interview with Geoffery Zweig.
Researchers from Disney Research have built a cordless one-legged hopping robot that can bounce up to 7 seconds/19 times without falling over. They employed a linear elastic actuator in parallel (LEAP), which placed a voice coil actuator (VCA) in parallel with compression springs, to act as the primary weight-bearing actuator for the one-legged hopping robot.
IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC. Visit the SPS Job Submission Form.
The IEEE Signal Processing Society was recently awarded the IEEE Educational Activities Board Society/Council Professional Development Award! The award citation states, “for innovative educational and professional development programs that engage professionals, students and the general public in signal processing,” will be presented during the IEEE Meeting Series in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA later this month. SPS President Rabab Ward will accept the award on behalf of the Society.
A Postdoctoral Scholar position in the area of Neuroengineering is available in the laboratory of Dr. Jochen Ditterich at the Center for Neuroscience, University of California, Davis, for developing a closed-loop neural stimulator for use in basic neuroscience. The project involves multiple investigators and is funded by NIH and NSF.
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