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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Multimedia Signal Processing is now inviting proposals to host the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) in 2013. MMSP is one of the premier workshops in the area of multimedia signal processing and addresses research in areas which will have significant impacts on the future. MMSP 2010 was held in Saint Malo, France and the main theme of the conference was immersive communication and virtual reality. MMSP 2011 is being organized in Hangzhou, China with the main theme being Client-Cloud computing.
Proposals for hosting MMSP2013 are open to all regions, but to keep with the practice of regional rotation, preference will be given to proposals from Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa). Please visit the invitation page for full information of the call, including details on the aspects that should be addressed by each proposal.
The submission deadline is September 15, 2011. Please address inquiries and submit proposals to Dr. Philip A. Chou, MMSP-TC Chair, at pachou AT microsoft DOT com.
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