Graduating Students: Getting Three Free E-Books and Five Uses of IEEE-USA's New Salary Calculator

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Graduating Students: Getting Three Free E-Books and Five Uses of IEEE-USA's New Salary Calculator

Through 1 May 2014, IEEE-USA is offering graduating student members three free e-Books, as well as five complimentary uses of the new salary calculator.

Three Free e-Books: Engineers’ Guide to Lifelong Employability

Vol. 1: The Transition from School to Work
Vol. 2: What Are You Worth?
Vol. 3: On Resumes: Traditional & Otherwise

Five Free Uses of the New IEEE-USA Salary Calculator

The salary calculator will help you figure out what salary range you should expect in your first job. IEEE-USA is providing graduating student members five free uses of the IEEE-USA Salary Calculator.

For details, please visit here

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