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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 73 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. Senior Member is the only membership grade that is eligible to be nominated for IEEE Fellow. The new Senior Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society are:
Dr. Hezerul Abdul Karim Dr. Miguel Altuve Dr. Kofi Anim-Appiah Dr. Henry Arguello Fuentes Dr. Mohammad Awrangjeb Dr. Mahesh Banavar Dr. Hans-Peter Bernhard Dr. Julien Bringer Dr. Karlus Camara De Macedo Dr. Stanley Chan Dr. Biswendu Chatterjee Dr. Bo-Wei Chen Dr. Wei-Ta Chu Dr. Andre Coy Dr. Sovan Dalai Dr. Michael Datum Dr. Debangshu Dey Dr. Ramani Duraiswami Dr. Sriram Ganapathy Dr. Gonzalo Andres Garcia Jimenez Dr. Yuantao Gu Dr. Florian Hammer Dr. Gustaf Hendeby |
Dr. Werner Henkel Dr. Jiankun Hu Dr. Longbo Huang Dr. Mohamed Ibnkahla Dr. Maulin Joshi Dr. Ahmed Khattab Dr. Jimmy Lapierre Dr. Qiguang Lin Dr. Yipeng Liu Dr. Zhanyu Ma Dr. Muhammad Mahmood Dr. Venkateswaran N. Dr. Michele Nappi Dr. Nicholas O'Donoughue Dr. Arulmozhivarman P Dr. Hanchuan Peng Dr. Thomas Phillips Dr. Eric Plourde Dr. Marcelo Porto Dr. Xiaoning Qian Dr. Raviv Raich Dr. Korbinian Riedhammer Dr. John Robinson Dr. Rafael Schaefer |
Dr. Martin Schubert Dr. Hassnene Seddik Dr. Virendra Shete Dr. Di Shi Dr. Marten Sjostrom Dr. Isaac Skog Dr. Anthony So Dr. Samuel Somasundaram Dr. Li Song Dr. Boguslaw Szlachetko Dr. Sajna Thattankandy Dr. Ioan Tudosa Dr. Anvar Tukmanov Dr. Aurelio Uncini Dr. Sergey Vityazev Dr. Sander Wahls Dr. Ali Wali Dr. Kenneth Wallace Dr. Gang Wang Dr. Hung-Yu Wei Dr. David Wipf Dr. Mai Xu Dr. Yi-Hsuan Yang Dr. YanZhou Dr. Yaniv Zigel |
A complete list of SPS Senior Members can be accessed here.
IEEE Senior Members receive an array of benefits, including, but not limited to, professional recognition and notoriety, a plaque, coupons for IEEE membership, eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions, and the ability to serve as a reference for other Senior Member applicants.
For more information on IEEE membership grades and elevation, please visit the IEEE Member Grade Elevation Web page.
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