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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of February, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer "Staying Sharp—Vol. 1: Tips for Staying Sharp Inside Your Company." First in a two-part series, this e-book provides more than a dozen proven strategies engineers can easily put to work on the job. Author Harry T. Roman shares his thoughts about how engineers can enhance their non-technical skills for career success. This e-book is available 1 February to 15 March. Get your free e-book (log in to your IEEE Account, add book to your cart, and use promo code FEBFREE17 at checkout) In March, IEEE-USA E-Books will offer Women in Engineering -- Book 1: Inspire and Close the Gender Gap. IEEE-USA’s award-winning Women in Engineering e-book series has two purposes: to present a high-level overview about women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, and to provide first-hand accounts of the professional journeys of some notable contemporary female engineers. In Book 1, Inspire and Close the Gender Gap, author Nita Patel examines the questions: How many women pursue STEM career fields? Why are more women not graduating with STEM degrees? How can we recruit and retain women in engineering? This e-book is available 1 March to 15 April. Get your free e-book (log in to your IEEE Account, add book to your cart, and use promo code MARFREE17 at checkout) To purchase IEEE members-only products and to receive the member discount on eligible products, members must log in with their IEEE Accounts. IEEE-USA E-Books seeks authors to write an e-book, or a series of e-books, on career guidance and development topics. If you have an idea for an e-book that will educate other IEEE members on a particular topic of expertise, email your e-book proposal to IEEE-USA Publishing Manager, Georgia C. Stelluto, at
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