PROGRESS Workshop at ICASSP 2021

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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

PROGRESS Workshop at ICASSP 2021

PROGRESS Workshop at ICASSP 2021

PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing

Join us in the second year of PROmotinG DiveRsity in Signal ProcESSing (PROGRESS), which is an initiative of the IEEE Signal Processing Society designed to motivate, provide information and support women and under-represented minorities in pursuing academic careers in signal processing. 

2021 PROGRESS Workshop

2021 PROGRESS Workshop (Virtual)
4-5 June 2021
Application Submission Deadline: 10 May 2021

At PROGRESS, we believe that diversity and inclusion are pillars of innovation. The key to increasing diversity and inclusion in 
signal processing is a more diverse faculty. Such faculty offer role models and are well positioned to draw women and under-represented minorities to the field and inspire them for excellence.
Attend PROGRESS and discover what a career in academia can offer you.
Attendees will be able to ask questions and find valuable resources as they pursue a successful vocation in
academia. Why academia? How do you prepare your application materials? How do you prepare for an
interview? What does it take to be successful?
Attendance is by application only. Graduate students, undergraduate students, or postdocs who are
women or under-represented minorities and are interested in signal processing or related fields are eligible to
Development grants, which cover the PROGRESS workshop registration, are available.
Applicants should upload the following materials:
  • Applicant’s CV
  • A brief statement (one page limit) by the applicant describing their experience, career plans, and what they expect to get from this workshop (this is optional for general applicants but required for development grant applicants)
Accepted applicants will be given a link to register.
Registration will be free for those who have registered for ICASSP 2021.
Deadline for Application Submission: May 10, 2021
Acceptance Notification: May 30, 2021
For questions please contact:


View PROGRESS Organizing Committee




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