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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Nominations: Distinguished Industry Speakers and Distinguished Lecturers

Nominate a colleague as a SPS Distinguished Lecturer or Distinguished Industry Speaker!

Sergios Theodoridis Sergios Theodoridis
Awards Board Chair

Deadline:  31 May 2022





Do you have a colleague whose signal processing knowledge and expertise might be of greater interest to the broader Signal Processing Society community?

SPS is now soliciting nominations for speakers to serve for two Society programs:

The DL and DIS programs support SPS members and Chapters, encouraging engagement with signal processing experts in academia and industry, respectively, through invited talks and events that may occur either virtually or in person. This enables Chapters to energize their local communities with dynamic signal processing content and generate interest by providing them access to network with well-respected leaders in the field.

Candidates for each should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and hold the IEEE grade of Senior Member or higher.
  • Be an engaging presenter, who can clearly convey the essence of his/her work to a wider audience, beyond the experts on the specific field, in a way that grasps the attention of the audience and motivates the participants.
  • Distinguished Lecturers should be a recognized expert in a signal processing area of interest.
  • Distinguished Industry Speakers should be a recognized expert in a signal processing area of interest with a background in industrial applications and be well versed in the ongoing issues and activities in industry. The candidate must work in industry.

Submit your nomination today through the online nomination portal! The deadline to submit for both DL and DIS positions is 31 May 2022. When making your nomination, please provide the following information:

  • Name of candidate, member number and grade, contact information.
  • Brief candidate biography including information about current SP, IEEE, or other Society activities.
  • The preferred geographic coverage and lecture topics.
  • Details as to why the candidate is an engaging presenter.
  • Succinct statement supporting the nomination.

Nominations must be received no later than 31 May 2022.

Sergios Theodoridis,
Awards Board Chair

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