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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Education & Resources

Modern phased array technology brings together diverse disciplines throughout the electrical engineering community, covering not only radio-frequency (RF)/microwave engineering. The special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE provides an overview on phased array technology including new applications in a diversity of disciplines.

The Summer School on Robust Signal Processing is organized by the Signal Processing Group at Technische Universität Darmstadt. We invite Ph.D. students, early career researchers and engineering practitioners to participate in the Summer School, what promises to be a unique event run by world-class experts.

The IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) Conference Education Program is offering the following upcoming webinars: Mobile Apps for Conferences – The Latest Trends in Audience Engagement

As part of the IEEE international community, members have access to the IEEE International Insurance Marketplace, where they can research options that will be right for themselves and their families. At this time, IEEE Member Life Insurance, underwritten by Lloyds of London, is available to IEEE members in more than 60 countries, and many other essential insurance plans are available to members who are living outside their native countries as expatriates. The IEEE Member Life plan is offered with no health questions to answer and benefit options up to US$500,000.

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is pleased to announce upcoming events and opportunities: International Leadership Conference - Registration Open Registration is now open for the 2016 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2016 WIE-ILC), which will take place 23-24 May 2016, in the capital of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, USA. With a theme of "Lead Beyond.

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is pleased to announce upcoming events and opportunities: International Leadership Conference - Registration Open Registration is now open for the 2016 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (2016 WIE-ILC), which will take place 23-24 May 2016, in the capital of Silicon Valley, San Jose, CA, USA. With a theme of "Lead Beyond.

As a special benefit to IEEE members for the month of November, IEEE-USA E-books will offer “The Best of Today’s Engineer: On Licensure - Volume 1,” compiled by Georgia C. Stelluto. This e-book is a compilation of articles that will help the reader understand why one should pursue licensure, the licensure process, exam development, and how to effectively study for and pass the licensure exams. Available 1 November to 15 December.

Self-employed members with businesses large or small, full-time consultants, and moonlighting practitioners can insure their risk of being sued for errors and omissions through the IEEE-sponsored Professional Liability Insurance Program, which is available to members in Regions 1-7. In Regions 1-6, the program is recently updated, and now offers higher limits and several exclusive price and benefit enhancements. Members may also now take advantage of a new choice platform offering coverage from Beazley, as well as the Lloyd’s of London.

Although IEEE Collabratec has been freely available for over six months, the formal launch and marketing began on 21 September. You may have already started to see messaging within IEEE communication vehicles such as Society newsletters, membership emails,, Spectrum advertising, and various online social mediums outside of IEEE. You may have already had a chance to connect and collaborate with IEEE members and technology professionals on IEEE Collabratec and are aware of its benefits. Below are some highlights:

As part of the IEEE international community, members have access to the IEEE International Insurance Marketplace, where they can research options that will be right for them and their families. At this time, IEEE Member Life Insurance, underwritten by Lloyds of London, is available to IEEE members in more than 60 countries, and many other essential insurance plans are available to members who are living outside their native countries as expatriates.


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