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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

News & Announcements

This issue features the next installment of our regular column, "Getting to Know Your Fellow Researchers", highlighting Douglas O'Shaughnessy, who is a Professor at INRS-Télécommunications (University of Quebec) in Montreal, Canada and the author of the textbook Speech Communications: 

IEEE SPS has built a streamlined mechanism for employers to add a job announcement by simply filling in a simple job opportunity submission Web form related to a particular TC field. To submit job announcements for a particular Technical Committee, the submission form can be found by visiting the page below and selecting a particular TC. Visit the SPS Job Submission Form.

The IEEE Signal Processing Society is excited to announce the newest project from the Women in Signal Processing (WISP) Committee - the Women in Signal Processing Directory!


Welcome to the opening issue of SPM e-Newsletter, a new form of publication introduced by the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. The e-Newsletter will complement the bi-monthly Magazine to serve the members in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Through email notification and expanded coverage on its website, the e-Newsletter will provide members with timely updates on:

  • society and technical committee news,

  • conference and publication opportunities, new books, and Ph.D. theses,


  • Society News: Oppenheim and Gersho honored with prestigious IEEE Awards

  • Conference News: Signal Processing Meets Aloha - ICASSP 2007 Held in Hawaii

  • Journal and Cfp: Check out SPS journals' Cover and Table of Contents in PDF format

  • TC News: Exclusive Report from the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee

  • Distinguished Lectures: Check out upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures near you


  • Society News: Kailath honored with the highest IEEE award - IEEE Medal of Honor

  • Call for Nominations: 2008 IEEE Medals and SPS Major Awards

  • Conference News: Statistical Signal Processing Workshop to be held in Madison, Wisconsin

  • Journal News: Check out special issue opportunities and new search engine

  • TC News: Exclusive Report from the Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing TC


  • Society News: Election open for Members-at-Large of SPS Board of Governors

  • Conference News: Submission and registration deadlines of upcoming conferences

  • Journal News: Check out special issue opportunities and links to recent journal issues

  • Chapter Events: Upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures & local chapter activities

  • New Initiatives: USPTO Peer-to-Patent Project invites public participation


  • "Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter": IEEE approved formal naming of E-Newsletter

  • Society News: BoG election due Sept 1; Call for nomination of SPM Best Column Award

  • Conference News: MMSP'09 call for proposal; Upcoming conferences and symposia

  • Journal News: Check out the new IEEE Applications and Practice Online Magazine

  • TC News: Exclusive report from the Sensor Array and Multichannel TC


  • Society News: Deng, Gershman, and Ward elected as BoG Members-at-Large

  • Call for nomination: SPM Best Column Award Due Nov. 1

  • Conference News: SSP'07 held in Madison, Wisconsin; Upcoming SP conferences & workshops

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPM and SPS journals

  • TC News: Exclusive report from the Signal Processing Theory and Methods TC


  • Society named Chellappa, De Mori, Djuric, Reibman, and Sidiropoulos 2008 Distinguished Lecturers

  • Conference News: Access the latest work and plenary talks given at MMSP'07

  • Journal News: Call for papers of new special issues from SPM and SPS journals

  • TC News: SPCOM TC officially extends its scope to Communications and Networking

  • Chapter News: Upcoming SPS Distinguished Lectures and local chapter activities



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