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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

PhD Theses

With the great endeavor of computer vision community, 2D human pose estimation has achieved considerable success in recent years, from the introduction of single-person pose estimation models such as the convolutional pose machine and stacked hourglass models  to multi-person pose estimation networks such as OpenPose.

Optical fiber communication systems provide the infrastructure for high-capacity data transfer. The field has shown dramatic increases in transmission capacity, and yet the demand for capacity also grows significantly. We are in a situation in which systems must continually grow in capacity to keep pace with the demand, thereby necessitating continual innovation and technical advances.

More than one million fetal deaths occur in the United States every year. Monitoring the long-term heart rate variability provides a great amount of information about the fetal health condition which requires continuous monitoring of the fetal heart rate.

Applications of semidefinite optimization in signal processing are often derived from the Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma and its extensions, which give sum-of-squares theorems of nonnegative trigonometric polynomials and generalized polynomials.

Large-scale networks are becoming more prevalent, with applications in healthcare systems, financial networks, social networks, and traffic systems. The detection of normal and abnormal behaviors (signals) in these systems presents a challenging problem.

This work investigates two different digital signal processing (DSP) approaches that rely on signal-derived timing: continuous-time (CT) DSP and variable-rate DSP. Both approaches enable designs of energy-efficient signal processing systems by relating their operation rates to the input activity.


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