PhD Theses

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PhD Theses

Simek, Kyle LouisView Profile. (The University of Arizona), “Branching Gaussian process models for computer vision” (2016) Advisor: Jacobus Kobus Barnard

Briggs, GordonView Profile. (Tufts University), “Toward Dialogue and Reasoning Mechanisms to Enable More Natural and Socially-Appropriate Task-Based Human-Robot Interactions” (2016) Advisor: Scheutz, Matthias Goldberg, Ariel

Briggs, GordonView (Tufts University), “Toward Dialogue and Reasoning Mechanisms to Enable More Natural and Socially-Appropriate Task-Based Human-Robot Interactions” (2016), Advisor: Scheutz, Matthias; Goldberg, Ariel

Alsaby, Faisal Abdullah, (The George Washington University), “Investigation and Development of a Novel Clustering Algorithm for Big Data Applications” (2016) Advisor: Berkovich, Simon Y.

Liu, Yang, (Lehigh University), “Reliable and Efficient Transmission of Signals: Coding Design, Beamforming Optimization and Multi-Point Cooperation” (2016) Advisor: Li, Jing

Chacko, Nikhil (University of California, Santa Barbara), “Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction Techniques for Optical Microscopy” (2015), Advisor: Michael Liebling

Liu, Yang, (Lehigh University) “Reliable and Efficient Transmission of Signals: Coding Design, Beamforming Optimization and Multi-Point Cooperation”, (2016), Advisor: Jing Li

Vaish, Rajan, (University of California, Santa Cruz) “Mobilizing the Citizen Crowd”,(2015), Advisor: James Davis

Li, Hongjuan, (The George Washington University),” Privacy Preserving Friend Discoverym in Mobile Social Networks” (2016), Advisor: Cheng, Xiuzhen



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