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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society

Publications News

In today’s world, the environment is unavoidably prone to the unexpected occurrence of unpredictable events. Whatever the kinds of unexpected occurrences are, be they threats to safety or security breach, in the final analysis they are all known to be uncertainties, which in turn, bring us to think in terms of risk.

The 5th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on November 14-16, 2017. GlobalSIP, as a new flagship IEEE Signal Processing Society conference, focuses on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes. The conference features world-class plenary speeches, distinguished Symposium talks, tutorials, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, and panels.

The invention of the automobile has transformed how people live, work, and interact in society. How will signal processing advance today’s vehicles into “smart” cars that are able to think and contribute to the task of operating a vehicle? The December 2016 issue of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine provides a venue for summarizing, educating, and sharing the state of the art in signal processing applied to the domain of automotive systems.

Learn about Ethics and Autonomous Systems in Ronald C. Arkin's article in Proceedings of the IEEE.

The June 2016 special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE addresses the importance of GNSS technology in our life and reflect on its ubiquitous use in service infrastructures. Specifically, it focusses on various types of jammers and analyzes their effects on different processing stages and overall GNSS receiver performance

The idea of representing a signal as a vector living in some linear vector space has borne tremendous fruit in signal processing: this viewpoint provides an encompassing framework for classical least-squares and subspace-based signal processing, and a language with which to model a signal’s structural properties.

Many modern signal processing (SP) methods rely very strongly on probability and statistics tools to solve problems; for example, they use stochastic models to represent the data observation process and the prior knowledge available and they obtain solutions by performing statistical inference (e.g., using maximum likelihood or Bayesian strategies).

Biomedical signals have been widely used in the clinical setting for diagnostics, guiding therapy, patient monitoring, disease prevention, and risk assessment. The special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE in Feb. 2016 comprises 12 reviews that address challenges in applicative biomedical contexts by emphasizing the relevance of the methodological problem, the clinical importance of extracted information, and the possibility for future technological developments.


Call for Papers
IEEE Signal Processing Society
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks


Call for Papers

IEEE Signal Processing Society

IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks



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