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News and Resources for Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
The IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) is honored to announce the elevation of 100 of its members to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. These members have demonstrated outstanding professional performance, exhibited professional maturity through long-term experience, and established themselves as leaders in their respective IEEE-designated fields of interest. Senior Member is the only membership grade that is eligible to be nominated for IEEE Fellow. The elevated Senior Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society are:
The elevated Senior Members of the IEEE Signal Processing Society are:
Dr. Mari Aguayo-Torres Dr. Italo Atzeni Dr. Manoj B.R Dr. Saad Baig Dr. Partha Sarathee Bhowmik Dr. Qian Chen Dr. Pasquale Coscia Dr. Naser Damer Dr. Weihong Deng Dr. Dandan Ding Dr. Yukiyasu Domae Dr. Samuel Drake Dr. Jinfeng Du Dr. Alaa Eleyan Dr. Bogdan Enache Dr. Quanlong Guan Dr. Shilpi Gupta Dr. Jan Erik Haakegaard Dr. Kay Hamaguchi Dr. Samiru Hewa Halpage Dr. Junwei Hsieh Dr. Baoqi Huang Dr. Borbala Hunyadi Dr. Juan Inga Dr. Elvin Isufi Dr. Mihai Ivanovici Dr. Aniruddha Kanhe Dr. Priyadarshi Kanungo Dr. Tejaswini Kar Dr. Nabeel Khalid Dr. Adams Kong Dr. Mostafizur Rahaman Laskar Dr. Horacio Legal-Ayala Dr. Yiwei Li Dr. Hongyan Li |
Dr. Jia Liu Dr. Jun Liu Dr. Wu Liu Dr. Lutao Liu Dr. Emmanuel Manase Dr. Morteza Mardani Dr. Bho Matthiesen Dr. Sean McKenna Dr. Jyoti Munavalli Dr. R Murugan Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima Dr. Sivakumar Natarajan Dr. Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy Dr. Deepak Nayak Dr. Jakub Nikonowicz Dr. Sanjeev Nimishakavi Dr. Yong Peng Dr. Huy Phan Dr. Francesco Potorti Dr. Janaki R Dr. Dilip R Dr. Valarmathi R S Dr. Prerana Rane Dr. Guy Revach Dr. Alejandro Ribeiro Dr. Tammy Riklin Raviv Dr. Ronald Ross Dr. Jagadeesh Samudrala Dr. Tushar Sandhan Dr. Murat Saraclar Dr. Anne Savard Dr. Ravi Shaga Dr. Morteza Shahpari |
Dr. Swakkhar Shatabda Dr. Mohammad Shekaramiz Dr. Kaiming Shen Dr. Chenguang Shi Dr. Wentao Shi Dr. Khalid Tahboub Dr. Jayachandra Talari Dr. Enzo Tartaglione Dr. Lucas Thomaz Dr. Xin Tian Dr. Romeo Velarde Dr. Parvathinathan Venkitasubramaniam Dr. Esteban Vera Dr. Victor Vergara Dr. Sarah Verhulst Dr. Yiyin Wang Dr. Jianguo Wei Dr. Linlong Wu Dr. Kejun Wu Dr. Jingwei Xu Dr. SHENG XU Dr. George Yammine Dr. Haifan Yin Dr. Kazuyoshi Yoshii Dr. Zhe Zhang Dr. Xu Fang Zhao Dr. Xian Zhong Dr. Jianhong Zhou Dr. Quan Zhou Dr. Wei Zhou Dr. Jiang Zhu Dr. Jihua Zhu |
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